let s bring in jane tim. good morning to you. good morning. all right. lawmakers, they ar are scrambling today. reauthorization is a little easier than passing a new bill. if you introduced a new patriot act, that thing is going to be a little hard when you re asked to defend it later. the sky is not going to fall today. there s a lot of provisions that keep the nsa able to keep doing things they were doing before it expired. rand paul was in support of this letting key parts of the patriot act expire. has he made some real enemies out of his own colleagues here? he is far from wanting to make any friends in d.c. he s hoping that he can pin his campaign on this. when you have a field of 18 other republicans, what are you going to do to make a
patriot act expire at midnight. cnn national correspondent, sun land saw sraury joins us now. it doesn t look likely they will void a lapse, and they are at this hour not a clear way for this. when the senate comes back into session at 4:00 p.m., senator rand paul vowed to do all he can to stop the surveillance programs unless significant changes, he says, are made to weaken the government surveillance powers. he tweeted this out yet. quote, there has to be another way, we must find it together so tomorrow i will force the expiration of the nsa illegal spy program. senate majority leaders office says we will pass legislation today and it s not clear what day they will work to pass the legislation it will be in likely
government. dennis hastert is expected to make his first appearance in federal court this week. reportedly, the sexual booabuse a former student. reuters is reporting that secretary of state john kerry is in the hospital this hour after injuring his leg in a bicycle accident near the french and swiss border. this is video of him several months ago cycling. a report shows he is in stable condition and did not lose consciousness. it s coming down to the wire for the patriot act. this afternoon, senators will be back on the hill in a rare sunday session. if they don t reach an agreement, key parts of the patriot act expire at midnight,
representing a district in virginia. thank you for being with us this morning. good to be with you. congressman, what is your reaction to what is going on in the senate? this is a rare and unique territory where house republicans and the white house are on the same side of an argument? yes, house democrats, too. the bill, the usa freedom act that ends the bulk collection of data that has been so-called controversial and not just under the section 215 of the patriot act, but under several other statutes, and not just telephone metadata but any kind of metada metadata. our central rules put them in a situation where one senator is able to delay this process. we are hopeful that the reformed bill, the house-passed bill, which would allow the other sections of the patriot act to
continue, and the traditional uses of it, not this bulk data collection, would be allowed to continue. it expires at midnight tonight, and if the senate can t get their act together they could go several days without those laws being available to protect american citizens from suspected terrorists. you mention this one senator, and let s call his name, senator rand paul of kentucky running for the gop nomination, he promises the patriot act, what he calls the nsa legal spying program will expire today. listen to the senator s comments. there is no constitutional justification for the government to collect all of your phone records without your name on a warrant without suspicious, and not signed by a judge. your privacy is yours and your records are yours and the government needs to leave us alone. so that is the one senator you are naming. what is your response to his