continue, and the traditional uses of it, not this bulk data collection, would be allowed to continue. it expires at midnight tonight, and if the senate can t get their act together they could go several days without those laws being available to protect american citizens from suspected terrorists. you mention this one senator, and let s call his name, senator rand paul of kentucky running for the gop nomination, he promises the patriot act, what he calls the nsa legal spying program will expire today. listen to the senator s comments. there is no constitutional justification for the government to collect all of your phone records without your name on a warrant without suspicious, and not signed by a judge. your privacy is yours and your records are yours and the government needs to leave us alone. so that is the one senator you are naming. what is your response to his
the telephone companies and requested by the government, so it s still collected and held in the case that the government wants it? no, the house-passed bill says you can go to the telephone companies with a court order, and this is different than the way the current program works, and with a court order and ask for specific data, but you cannot ask for and collect bulk data as has been done by the nsa for the past couple years. 20 seconds, mr. chairman, are you optimistic or do you believe there will be a lapse and this will not be passed tonight by the senate? the house operates under different rules than the senate and the senate rules when you are up against a deadline like this and particular intelligence gathering under court orders would be required to halt for a period of time until the senate rules allow them to proceed is concerning to me, and i hope