By oracknows on April 28, 2015.
I ve written on multiple occasions of what I like to refer to as antivaccine dog whistles. In politics, the term dog whistle refers to things politicians can say to certain groups, usually groups with odious views, that they are with them without actually echoing the views for which the group at which the dog whistle is aimed. The intended target audience gets the message, while those not familiar with the issues either don t get the message or see what is being said as something unobjectionable, even admirable. Think states rights versus civil rights, for example.
It turns out that antivaccinationists have their own dog whistles. Used most prominently recently by the antivaccine pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears and by candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination Rand Paul, antivaccine dog whistles generally involve appeals to health freedom, the freedom not to be injected with medicines, and, of course, parents rig