Debra Sloss works Tuesday afternoon in her Happy Valley home office on the next installment of "State of Mind," her show on KSQD radio which spotlights personal narratives on a wide spectrum of mental health topics and intertwines them with professional insights.
So with this new cross-genre supergroup, bringing together Hornsby with the 2008 New York City-founded yMusic . you can imagine the mischief they could get into.
Patrice Vecchione is a busy bee – a poet, author and a teacher of poetry, especially for youth. She has been holding workshops and talks in Monterey County schools for
But this particular writer and artist don’t walk into a bar not together or alone. In fact, neither of them has entered a bar or ordered a drink in decades. Bars went the way of platform boots and bottom-grazing skirts, and alcohol causes fierce migraines.