such significant interruption in service both electrical support as well as the public water supply. all of those hospitals are now back with their power fully restored . a lot of progress in a short pier unit of time. i did want to ask about that. the impacts to this hurricane on those hospital patients who had to relocated for safety concerns and probably most critical care. why what is the situation? hospitals are very prepared for patient transfers for evacuations. generally, you want to sustain
The Avoidable Transfer Scale, an innovative tool that uses data commonly included in a nursing home resident's electronic health record to identify and characterize potentially avoidable hospitalizations, highlights issues that can be handled in the nursing home itself.
an available physician and the r and a facility that con sents that has space to receive the patient. we do everything possible to ensure safe, timely patient transfers but some transfers have unfortunately become more difficult due to the notable increase in covid-19 hospitalizations and limited bed availability across our state. i understand that. i ve even been on the phone calling hospitals, trying to help. that s not the normal protocol. and we hit brick walls. nobody s willing to help us. in fact, we run across quite rude hospital personnel that hardly even want to talk to us. and that s coming from the hospital that he s in, the people within saying hey, we re willing to help. the parents, the loved ones willing to help but they ve got to help us. i asked them, can you just send me a letter stating and i ll call every hospital in 50 states if need be.