You heard it from Warren Buffett and the ceo of general electric. Warren buffett says it is obscuring the greatness. It is an Election Year and candidates cant stop speaking about the countrys problem which only they can solve. As a result of the negative drum beat Many Americans believe their children will not live as well as they do. Thats dead wrong. Those born today are the luckiest crop in history. At least in terms of your weekend reading time it goes deep into politics. Surprising for me. Again, quoting him about the Current Business environment, whats unique in this cycle is the difficult relationship between business and government. The worst i have ever seen, end quote. He goes on to write Technology Productivity and globalization have been driving forces during my business career. In business if you dont lead these changes you get fired. In politics if you dont fight them you cant get elected. Immelt says most government policile is antigrowth, end quote. These perpetual roa
At least in terms of your weekend reading time it goes deep into politics. Surprising for me. Again, quoting him about the Current Business environment, whats unique in this cycle is the difficult relationship between business and government. The worst i have ever seen, end quote. Wow. He goes on to write Technology Productivity and globalization have been driving forces during my business career. In business if you dont lead these changes you get fired. In politics if you dont fight them you cant get elected. Immelt says most government policile is antigrowth, end quote. These perpetual roadblocks perpetuate a cycle of slow growth, poor job creation, populism, low productivity, poor policy and more slow growth, end quote. Wow. I can quibble with globalization. It hurt a lot of working people im not going to quibble with the caustic nature of the political backdrop that makes doing business more difficult and makes us less willing to pay up for the stocks of any business, no matter how
Robust managed care environment, the consultant engagement helped us identify a few key foundational infrastructure elements that we must have in place in order to be successful. And you see those listed here. The first we just talked about, which is having an Enterprise Electronic Health record. The second is organizational intelligence, which is a proprietary software, which is a Cost Accounting system that allows us to cost out services particularly at our acute Care Trauma Center that we will need in order to set contracting rates. The third, which is Network Operations integration, we have several systems throughout our network that are not integrated. As you know, we have a separate medical staff or the at San Francisco general, one at laguna honda and separate credentialing process in Behavioral Health and from a planned contracting perspective, were going to need to centralize and coordinate those functions so that what dealing with payers, there is a onestop shopping as oppose
Washington d. C. At a house hearing on the cost of record entrance Prescription Drugs, we will learn how they set drug prices. When members question ceo about the company raising the price of the drug he declined to testify invoking his fifth amendment rights. Officials were at the hearing and discuss the approval process for generic drugs. This hearing is four hours. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] please take a seat. Welcome everybody the committee on oversight will come to order. Without objection where declared a recess at any time. The chairman is responsible under the rules of the house and the role of the committee to maintain order of the committee room, and i will will do that. We have an important hearing today. We have a number of hearings that are very important. Today were talking about the cost of healthcare in our country. Because it is
Efforts in the pharmaceuticals to try to get away from that perception. They have used backlog to capitalize on a system that allows them to pillars of market. Times when there were no backlog and there were still no generic competition to them, other reasons that for a very small segment, the 88 pet for small segments there is no generic competition. She we at the end of the 1st program will have eliminated the backlog and be in a steadystate type of activity, stillactivity, still the problems with drugs that dont have generic competition. Bio similars. Do you think they can play a part in a patients access to the drugs they need . Absolutely and is what they are intended to do. We have vigorously enacting the program. We have had a vigorous response. Aa patient and healthcare professional confidence and bio similars is essential for savings to occur . I believe it is the number one issue. We completed studies of seizure drugs because all these years later in the drug the urologist is