look like he knows who is around him. president trump s lawyer rudy guilliani is dismissing the claim that donald trump knew in advance of the trump tower meeting with russians. here is what he had to say yesterday morning. now i listened unfortunately, fortunately to my client s point of view, to many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. i didn t know that. i didn t know him well. i didn t know anything bad about michael cohen until all of this started to happen in the last couple of weeks. if he taped everything else, why didn t he tape this? it is not on tape. he s capable, i think, unfortunately of doctoring tapes. hasn t done that, would be hard to do it now since we have an expert all over it. it is just flat-out untrue. seems to me his default position is to lie. one of the allies, congressman darrell issa,
they say they want to investigate this and yet everything is behind closed doors and all we get is spin from two sides. you re right. i was just trying to be a little sarcastic there. i appreciate your point. rick, i want you to watch giuliani claiming that cohen doctored at least one of the recordings. take a listen to this. now i ve listened, unfortunately, to mshany, many hours of tapes. and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. i didn t know that. i didn t know him well. he s capable, i think, unfortunately of doctoring tapes. he hasn t done that, hard to do it now since we have an expert all over it. rick, i know that you worked on two of jew lagiuliani s camp. what is your reaction there? what is the strategy that you think he s going after? i think it s important to remember the rudy you re seeing is a performing rudy. he is playing the role of the junk yard dog attorney deaverfeg
michael cohen has already appeared before congress talking about a lot of things. and this idea he told trump about the russia meeting before it happened is, to us, very much new news. so mr. cohen, if you ve got something new to say, you need to come to congress and say it under oath. joining me now, congressman of tennessee. i want to get your opinion of what lindsey graham just said about michael cohen. do you think he makes a good point, or do you think it s the president that loses in the credibility department? i think that michael cohen, rudy giuliani and donald trump have about the same amount of credibility. they all use at best situational ethics but probably more likely they just lie constantly and they re all three pathological liars. okay. well, that s saying something. i want to play for you what rudy giuliani said about michael cohen here from an interview earlier. and the man is a pathological
msh many, many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological manipulator, liar. i didn t know that. i didn t know him well. he s capable, i think, unfortunately, of doctoring tapes. hasn t done. that will be hard to do it now su since we have an expert all over it. strong words there from giuliani. joining me now is a former federal prosecutor. glen, great to you with us. let s pick up on the last point. he is talking about the tapes and the possibility that the tapes were tampered with. if it is somehow found out that the tape at least the one that we heard publicly so far was indeed doctored as rudy giuliani claims, how damaging would that be for cohen s defense? well, if we actually had evidence that michael cohen doctored the tape for a particular outcome to make the president look bad, obviously that would be damaging. that is something as a career
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