Around Town: RIPA report produces fascinating data
By Pat Orr
For the Victorville Daily Press
I am the son and son-in-law of career police officers. Both men – now deceased – served in a much different time and social environment than we have today. My dad never fired his gun or used his nightstick in 30 years. My father-in-law drew his gun once as an undercover vice squad officer in L.A. to protect his partner. Luckily, in his words, “The bad guy tripped before I could fire and slid right to me, and I cuffed him.” He counted it as a huge stroke of luck that he retired a month before the Rodney King incident.
Your Letters: April 7, 2021
Reader Submissions
I always enjoy letters from Angela Tambay, Ed Jackman, James Ferguson and Edward Weinberg, as well as several others. Methinks they: 1. Are intelligent. 2. Do their homework. 3. Study the issues. 4. Don t guess. 5. Save me the time and trouble of writing rebuttals. May God Bless America.
Felix G. Diaz, Victorville
C.A. Meschter, Victorville
Pat Orr’s ‘perspective’
Mr. Orr, from what “perspective” is a huge mob of crazed right-wing extremists who, incited by the lies and propaganda of a disposed president and his allies, attacked our country s seat of government with intent to commit murder of elected leaders in an effort to overthrow our democracy and replace it with a fascist dictatorship run by the man the American people just voted out not an insurrection?