Spring and summer long on our crowd cast a channel and i want to take a moment to say thank you to the Madison Public Library and the Madison Public Library foundation. Their support for online cultural events has been absolutely unwavering. Im just so excited to see john nichols. The support for these events has been unwavering and theyve been so dedicated to bringing these author events to all of you whether you are watching in your home in madison or across the country or across the globe we have seen an incredible uptick in our audience, people from all over and its just absolutely wonderful to see the response so thank you to everyone here tonight and all of the sponsors that made sure that these keep going. Without further ado i would like to bring you to the screen and step away myself. Hello everyone thank you for joining and larry thanks for coming all the way from massachusetts to be here tonight. Larry is on cape cod as we speak and we have about 100 people with us and as wa
Capital times as associate editor of the nation magazine and aggressive. Progressive. We couldnt be more delighted to be hosting this event all spring and summer long here on our crowd podcast channel and watch it take a moment to say thank you the Madison Public Library and the medicine Public Library foundation. Their support for online cultural events is an absolutely unwavering. They are, oh, my gosh, im so excited to see john nichols. Their support for these events has been absolutely unwavering and they have been so dedicated to bringing author in advance to all of you with your watching in your home at madison or across the country or across the globe. Weve seen an incredible uptick in her audience, people from all over and it is just absolutely wonderful to see the response so thank you and what heres arguing us come to one. And all the responses of major events keep going. Without further do i like to bring john and larry to the screen, and step way myself. Hello, everyone. Th
Foundation. Their support for online cultural events has been absolutely unwavering and they are, oh my gosh, im so excited to see john nichols. Their support for these events has been absolutely unwavering and they have been so dedicated bringing author events to all of you whether you are watching in your home in madison or across the country or across the globe. Seen an incredible uptick in her audience of people from all over and it is just absolutely wonderful to see the response. Thank you to everyone here tonight and everyone who comes and to all the sponsors who made sure these events keep going. Without further ado i would like to bring john and mary to the screen and step away myself. Larry tye. Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us. Larry, thanks for coming all the way to massachusetts to be here with us. [laughter] larry is on cape cod as we speak. You have about 100 people or close to 100 people with us and some more may join us as we go along and as was explained upfro
Book demagogue but senator joe mccarthy and larry will appear long side john nichols who many ourself know from his various roles at the Capital Times, associate editor, the nation magazine, and progressive. We couldnt be more delighted to be hosting these events for you all spring and summer long here on our crowdcast channel and i want to take moment to say thank you to maddison Public Library and the foundation. Theyre support for online cultural events has been absolutely unwaiverring, they are my gosh, im so excited so see john nichols. Their support for these events has been sluicely unwavering and they have been so dedicated to bringing author events to all of you whether youre watching watn your home or across the country or across the globe. We have seen an incredible uptick in our audience of people from all over and it has just absolutely wonderful to see the response. So thank you to everyone who is here tonight. Everyone who has come to one and to all the sponsors who made
Be hosting these events for you all spring into summer long here on our crowd accounts to channel and i want to take a moment to say thank you to the Madison Public Library and the Madison Public Library foundation. In support for online cultural events that have been absolutely unwavering, they are its important for these events that has been absolutely unwavering and theyve been so dedicated to bringing all their events to all of you whether you are watching in your home in madison, across the country or across the globe we have seen an incredible uptake in our audience of people from all over and it is absolutely wonderful to see the response so thank you to everyone and to the sponsors that have made sure they keep going. Without further ado id like to bring john and larry to the screen and step away myself. Hello, everyone thanks for joining us and larry thanks for coming from massachusetts to be here tonight. Lary is in cap cape cod as we speak and we have about 100 people or clo