The chair now recognizes the gentleman from South Carolina, mr. Wilson. On sunday both the fbi and the department of Homeland Security issued warnings to American Military personnel within the United States regarding possible threats from isil. Sadly, this comes after Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson announced, quote, that the president would have no credible information that isis is planning to attack the homeland of the United States, he said this in new york city in front of the council on foreign relations. This incredible statement by secretary johnson, preceded his unconstitutional review of illegal aliens, as a member of this committee as well as chairman of the ampled Services Subcommittee on personnel, im grateful to promote the wellbeing of members and their subcommittee on personnel, im grateful to promote the wellbeing of members and their subcommittee on personnel, im grateful to promote the wellbeing of members and their subcommittee on personnel, im grateful to pr
Fighters who are joining the militant group. Witnesses who are joining the Homeland Security security and state department officials. This is two hours, 20 minutes. Without objection, all members may have five days to the submit questions and extrainous materials. Whether its isis or al nusra or corson, theres the influx of foreign fighters far surpasses anything we have even seen in afghanistan. The scale of this mass migration is unprecedented and it results in deadly attacks. More foreign fighters have fought for islamic groups like isis in the last two years and then fought in iraq in afghanistan in the last 12 years. I have a map, i hope we can put that up on the screens. That show the areas that these fighters have come from they have come from all over the world. According to estimates, around 15,000 jihadists from over 80 countries have traveled to syria to fight. 2,000 of these fighters are from th the all of these western passport holders can travel freely in europe and even
Youre part of the isis army you belong in prison until this war against islamic extremism is over. Thats what Security Council resolution 2178 says. I hope your chart, youll add to your chart a list of those countries that have told us that we do not think we should criminalize those of our citizens and residents who went to isis, joined the army but say they didnt actually kill anybody. Also an issue, sir, of being able to prove in a court of law this kind of activity. Thats fine. People on the ground in syria to come to a courtroom to testify. So, again, i think our partners use different tools depending on what they know about a particular individual in the case. Thats all i could say. Chair recognizes the gentlelady from florida. Thank you so much, mr. Chairman. Isils reach into the United States has been documented. We also know that isil is known to be tech savvy, as weve discussed, used social media tools to its advantage to help recruit foreign fighters to its cause and weve se
I would hope we have another round we can get into sort of what has worked because i am troubled sometimes by some of the conversation were having when they return to a given country what do we do . It almost sounds like deprogramming from a cult and i dont think thats going to work given the numbers. And so i would be interested in hearing from both of our witnesses about are there examples of things that have worked in a preventing people from going and unfortunately if we fail on that, helping to reintegrate them in a genuine successful way when and if they come back. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I know my time super. Chair recognizes is gentleman from california, colonel cook. Thank you, mr. Chair. Ambassador, i wanted to ask you about the role of hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in terms of perhaps facilitating the information on people recruitment and some of the smuggling activities, if you had any insight at all from a diplomatic standpoint. Specifically i do not, sir, no. No perso
I know many will plan to voice their disappointment publicly. Through protest. This is the right. This is the right of all americans. But as i have said before, throughout our history, the most successful movements have been those that adhere to the principles of nonviolence. I urge all those inclined to demonstrate tonight and in days ahead to remain peaceful in their demonstrations, and not to engage in activities that deflect our attention from the very serious matters that our nation must confront. Thank you. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by National Captioning Institute which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] , on her over 40 years covering the white house and the administrations of gerald ford through barack obama. Listenat and watched him a group of second graders go through their drill. An interruption of the president , and i was stunned. I wrote down in my reporters notebook, nobody interru