Screeria nigeria. Visits phoenix to talk about Home Ownership followed by a discussion about religion and the free market. On january 20th the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case challenging restrictions on judicial candidates directly soliciting Campaign Contributions. Legal analysts discuss the pending case and judicial elections at the National Press club in washington, d. C. This is an hour and ten minutes. Good morning, everyone. The timetable this morning is pretty tight. We want to be able to give a lot of time for questions. And so were going to begin our presentation to you this morning. My name is andrew coen. Im a fellow at the Brennan Center and a journalist with cbs news and the marshal project. And im delighted to be here in sunny, warm washington. To be part of this interesting presentation. In a moment, im going to introduce this distinguished panel each of whom knows a great deal more about this important Supreme Court case than i do. A couple of points. T
Or down, we were winning. We had no other way to explain it. This isnt to suggest we werent seceding intermission. Border patrol had to have consistent and reliable data. Not simply data on what we were catching, we also had to report data on what we were not catching and the unknown. Today the Border Patrol does not describe the borders as controlled or uncontrolled. Instead it uses a variety of indicators, capability assessments, commander judgment to assign areas of risk category of high, medium and low. The Border Patrol also evaluates these risks to ensure they are based on current risk. In closing, i will leave you with a few thoughts here that became evident as we wrote these articles and i spoke with dozens of agents representing thousands of years of Border Patrol experience. Border security is not an end state to be achieved and revisited every five or ten years. Rather, its a constant battle we fight every day and one which we must be vigorously engaged. There is also no pan
Pipeline. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3. A bill to improve the keystone x. L. Pipeline approve the keystone x. L. Pipeline. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 19 the bill is considered read, the bill shall be debatable for one hour, equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on transportation and infrastructure. And the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce. The gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Shuster, the gentleman from oregon, mr. Defazio, the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Wit field and the gentleman from new jersey whitfield, and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone, each control 15 minutes. Mr. Shuster thank you mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Mr. Shuster i rise today to support h. R. 3, the keystone x. L. Pipeline act, and for
So i should actually correct myself. In the reference to child pornography and staca is so similar to the effort you are launching to change the term from child prostitute to a child victim, there is an effort to change the reference to child pornography. Because it is not pornography, it is child sexual abuse content. It is the documentation of violent abuse of a child. So it is very different. And that is why our child sexual abuse Deterrence Program has been under way for three years and our john deterrence is just getting started. Because it is more black and white with child sexual abuse content. And when you are online, you need when you work online you have to indicators, right . You need to know key words or behaviors. And with child sexual abuse content it is very clear. There are certain words that mean certain things and that allows you to target and reach people and intercept them more clearly. When it comes to child trafficking and child victims, it is massed in this perce
I try to go back and get these things to keep your mind fresh on this and look at how you apply these principles today. Theres so many people i hate to give you a list and exclude people. National affairs as an article. National review. The think tanks. Cei. I read all that stuff. I like going back to the core and reapplying it to the times. Thank you so much for taking the time. Really appreciate it. You bet. [ applause ] just wanted to invite everybody to cocktails. That are upstairs. Miller products are being served. Please cocktails upstairs and bring all of your stuff with you because this room will be entirely made over for dinner. We look forward to dinner. Please join us for that. Thanks so much. My pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, if everyone could stop socializing and take a seat. Were about to get started. Welcome to the 2015 ideas summit. Despite the fact he could speak, looked away from the tv smiled and said i told you so. Its the contention and perhaps the presumption of