The two men who triggered a massive security breach in the Lok Sabha have been identified as Sagar Sharma, the son of Shankarlal Sharma, and 35-year-old D Manoranjan, the son of D Devaraj, police sources told NDTV Wednesday afternoon.
Six people were involved in the planning and execution of a major breach in Parliament on Wednesday, police sources told NDTV this evening, prompting a flood of questions on security systems in place in the new building.
to get through on the republican side, because this could be good for them in the 2018 election is tax reform. to do that, you ve got to do healthcare first. if you don t, the whole thing could get derailed. shepard: john roberts live from the white house. thanks. we want to give you new information from the sun owned by a parent company. disturbing head lines. blood for blood it reads. parliament terror attack celebrated by isis as a revenge for the air strikes that are under way in mosul. subheadline sick fanatic took to social media to celebrate the terror attack. i ll enlarge this. the sun also has pictures that are not appropriate afternoon television in the united states. this is their magazine. this is their website. soon our battle on your land not started yet but upon you only waiting. and it shows a fake picture of big ben with trouble for it. it has london down at the bottom.