It’s sandal season (finally!). But before you reach for your usual flats or flip-flops, know this: Wedge sandals are actually
healthier for your feet.
Unlike flat sandals, wedges offer more evenly distributed pressure throughout the foot, says Chanel Perkins, D.P.M., a board-certified podiatrist at UTMB Health Internal Medicine in Houston. They also provide better arch support, which will help you avoid knee, hip, and back problems.
And for those that are vertically-challenged, wedges are a great way to elevate your height without the pain of stilettos, adds Casey Ann Pidich, D.P.M., also known as Dr. Glass Slipper, a podiatrist at Park Avenue Podiatry Care in New York City.
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Walking may be one of the simplest things you can do for your health but picking out a shoe to do it in can be another story. With so many options available, it’s easy to either get caught up in the bells and whistles of it all or get so overwhelmed that you wear one pair of shoes for everything.
Luckily, when choosing between running or walking shoes, the choice is relatively simple: “There is definitely a difference between walking shoes and running shoes,” says Chanel Perkins, D.P.M., a board-certified podiatrist at UTMB Health Internal Medicine in Houston.