One of the suspects in Kim Kardashian s robbery has written a book
It s called I Kidnapped Kim Kardashian Feb 8, 2021
One of the suspects accused of the 2016 Paris robbery of Kim Kardashian has written a tell-all book called
I Kidnapped Kim Kardashian. In the book, Yunis Abbas reveals bizarre details about the night, including the fact he escaped on a bicycle and singer Tracey Chapman tried to call Kardashian in the midst of the heist.
It s been almost five years since five gunmen entered Kim Kardashian s room at Paris Hotel de Pourtalès, gagged and restrained her and held her at gunpoint as she begged for her life and they stole more than £7m of jewellery, including her £3.5m engagement ring from husband Kanye West. The five men were disguised as police officers and were let into the building by the concierge, who they subsequently handcuffed and held at gunpoint until he led them to the