That ship from Baghdad Aleem Maqbool reports protest leaders have announced a pause in organized demonstrations to give the government time to come up with solutions the mood across the country is such that it might not be enough to stop people taking to the streets there s a sense that after years of broken promises of a brighter future after Saddam Hussein was toppled then again after victory was declared against the Islamic state group 2 years ago Iraqis are so frustrated with the lack of progress in spite of the country s massive oil revenues that many of them will be satisfied with nothing less than a major overhaul of the political system here the undercover Russian lobbyist Maria buton has arrived in Moscow after she was deported from the United States Ms Bhutto was released from a Florida prison on Friday after serving most of her sentence for conspiring to influence conservative political groups. A document laid to the Financial Times newspaper in London suggests that the Bri
Now has between Boeing employees as the company was trying to gain approval of its now grounded Max jets. The message is that between ma who was chief technical pilot for the Boeing 737 Max when it was going through the certification process and then all the Boeing pilot in one folder says the automated systems on the max will making the plane very difficult to fly on a simulator Now you ll remember it was that also mated system known as m c a s but has been blamed for 2 crashes one in Indonesia in October 28th in the other in Ethiopia in March this year that killed $346.00 people Jonathan Hunt an apology of sorts from p.g. And e. California as large as utility company for shutting off power to more than 2000000 people last week over fears power lines could spark wildfires president c.e.o. Bill Johnson let me assure you we did not like to turn off the their runs contrary to the reason any of us ever got in this business. As I look back at last week one of the things that stands out m
A 16 year old Guatemalan boy said when he and others complained about the food and water they d been given agents retaliated by taking mats out of their cells and making them flip on the hard concrete floor Democratic Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said Heads should roll at Customs and Border Patrol c.b.p. Given the latest reports allegations of sexual assault or retaliation by Customs and Border Protection officers overcrowding lack of showers lack of clean clothes lack of space to sleep or the accounts made by dozens of children in these facilities are horrifying and are completely unacceptable in the wake of several similar reports about the treatment of migrants by c.b.p. Of officers in Texas it s abundantly clear that there is a toxic culture that Border Patrol that can only be changed only be changed by the immediate firing and replacing top leadership at the agency c.b.p. Needs to clean house the top people of c.b.p. Ought to be fired now. House Democrats Alexander Ocasio
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