dived. i followed it out and i had a lot of time to think about a lot of things, you know and how quick that life can go by you, you know? the next day i seen my kids and that made it worth it. the chief says that he feels lucky to survive and now he wants to make sure people don t forget about him and the rest of the people here in southeastern kentucky, pamela. he said they need money, they need donations and they need attention. we will continue to cover this important story, diane gallagher, thank you. and finally, a hopeful moment after a horrific shooting. take a look at these adorable photos of 8-year-old cooper roberts and his dog george. you may remember cooper was left paralyzed by that parade attack in illinois. he s been transferred to a rehab facility after a month in pediatric intensive care. after he regained consciousness cooper asked to see his pet as
day. the opportunity for her wife to have that conversation with the president and with the vice president and then to express that was just so very important. thank you very much. thanks for your advocacy and for being with us today. thank you. a second target. police say the suspect in the deadly july fourth parade attack in illinois had another weapon and another potential target outside of highland park. this is andrea mitchell reports. that s next on msnbc. this and vanguard retirement tools and advice can help you get there. that s the value of ownership.
highland park shooting suspect. the alleged shooter s father tells the new york post that he thought his son would use the guns he had at a shooting range and he says he spoke to a son about a different mass shooting the day before the parade attack. adrian, the father also spoke with abc s news. utter me what more are we learning? reporter: the father essentially telling abc news that he shouldn t be legally responsible for his son s actions. he thought his son was going to use the guns he purchased at the shooting range and he said to the post that is why he sponsored that firearms owner id card nearly 3 years ago. listen to more of his conversation with abc. i love my son, but it is devastating to everyone