In a joint operation, the Delhi Police along with the vigilance department of the airlines at the IGI airport have arrested 8 loaders working with ground handling agencies for stealing valuable items such as cash, jewellery, and electronics items from the flyers baggage.
Delhi Police busted a suspected theft racket operating at the international airport here and arrested eight loaders working with ground handling agencies, officials said on Saturday.
Police advised frequent flyers and air passengers to keep their valuable items such as cash, jewellery, and electronics items inside the hand-held luggage.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Deepak Pal, Gautam Kumar, Moshin Khan, Rahul Yadav, Yashwinder, Pappi Kumar, Neeraj Kumar and Kamal Kumar. Police said that they all had formed the gang.Acco
A police team busted a theft racket operating inside Indira Gandhi International Airport terminals, arrested eight people and seized jewellery worth over Rs 10 lakh from their possession, officials said.