After two mediation sessions, the parties moved for approval of a settlement agreement, but the trial court declined to approve the settlement because the release was too broad.
Vincent Fried, a manicurist at a salon in the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, was sexually propositioned by a customer. Fried immediately went to his manager to report the customer, at which point the manager allegedly told him to just go and get it over with despite the lewd comments.
Gunther v. Alaska Airlines, Inc., 72 Cal. App. 5th 334 (2021) - Summary: Heightened civil penalties under Labor Code section 226.3 ($250 & $1,000) do not apply to all.
Vincent Fried, a manicurist at a salon in the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, was sexually propositioned by a customer. Fried immediately went to his manager to report the customer, at which point the manager allegedly told him to.
The Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, issued an important opinion in Moniz v. Adecco USA, Inc., Cal. App. 5th ( which will impact employers facing PAGA lawsuits