Easter cookery: Buns, bunnies and baking!
3 Apr 2021
Easter is the perfect time to don the baking aprons and get the mixing bowls out. It’s also a long weekend for most, meaning more time to spend in the kitchen getting creative with the family!
If you’re looking for some Easter baking inspiration, look no further! Aldi’s range of Easter recipes has something for everyone to try!
Bunny Bread Rolls
Serves: 6 people
l 130ml Clonbawn Whole Milk
l 60g The Pantry Caster Sugar
l 7g The Pantry Fast Acting Yeast
l 320g The Pantry Plain Flour
l ½ tsp Stonemill Salt
WHAT S COOKING: Three recipes to boost your mood
Forget ‘New Year, New You’, Aldi wants to spread a bit of ‘New Year Cheer’ with a great list of comforting food ideas & the nutrients that contribute to that mood boosting feeling.
Some fabulous foods to help boost your mood:
l Dark chocolate (has been shown to boost mood)
l Salmon (omega 3 may help with symptoms of depression)
l Oats (slow release sugars help maintain blood sugar levels which can affect mood)
l Eggs (great source of B12, a deficiency of which has been linked to low mood and depression)