and i m gonna address theunited states of america. gary: there s no doubt that night. it was a textbook procedure. i had no choice. i was forced to take a life. i was a white cop whoshot a black 16-year-old. (protestors chanting) natacha: i would like toaddress all law enforcement across the country and around the world. honor the oath. (dramatic music) gary: the other officerskept repeating: he did the right thing.he had no choice. it was a good shoot. reporter: the death ofphillip pannell brought rage the streets of normallypeaceful teaneck, new jersey. m2: this was middle-classmodel city, american. alison: we live in teaneck.this doesn t happen in teaneck. w2: it wasn t the utopia ithought it was for many people. (dramatic music) thelma: we enduredthis pain for 30 years, now we re back here again. crowd: yeah, (music) natacha: on my honor,i will never betray my integrity forthe public trust. m3: the fact of the matter isphillip pannell was executed. m4: i don t care how
we was coming from thepark and then these two cops rolled upwith their guns, already out of theirhostler and was, like,everybody get against the wall, reporter: one of thekids, phillip pannell ran, the two cops chasedhim across the street. when pannell allegedlyjumped these bushes. why did phil run? he- he wasscared, obvious. jennifer: two cops arebehind him. they had their pistols out.they didn t say halt, or nothing. they just was running and theguy went to jump over the fence and they shot himin his left leg. he was begging, don t shoot,don t shoot. the young man who was shotwas begging? yes, don t shoot. he was already shot, already. reporter: did he have hishands up? like, you just. witness: he had his hands upand they said, he said he was, he had his back to themand they shot him in his back. reporter: the victimwas begging for his life and the policeofficer shot him anyway? yes, yes.yes. jennifer: and that swhen the second cop shot him in the back andhe fell to the ground. be