Utilising the third round of World Bank Survey data collected during September 2020, the employment shocks in rural India are analysed based on the gender, age, caste, and income quartile of individuals. Using graphical representations and simple mean tests, it is found that, on average, females in rural areas did not have an occupation relative to males in most of the states
Federal health officials will extend the COVID-19 public health emergency past mid-July, which will continue pandemic-era policies as coronavirus cases increase again.
i wonder what would be the republican platform? what do you think? i mean, i just i honest to god, i don t know what are for honest to god is this really the gamelab to play now what s scary is that some staffer who s getting paid tax dollars, you know, to work every week actually thought, wow, this line will show america that joe s really on top of his game. but what republican most support here are trump s pre pandemic policies. you just heard him recount some of them with hannity. well, why is trump still talking about them? well, they delivered record unemployment rising wages, a tight border, better trade deals, strong investor optimism and consumer confidence and even joe in his addled state, he knows all this so his rhetorical question about the gop was just another
super bowl sunday from the president. i will just add that he also said in this nbc interview that he thought the l.a. rams would be tough to beat, and, boy, was he right. there you go. all right, jasmine, thank you. all right. walmart is rolling out a new pandemic policies. vaccinated employees no longer required to wear masks unless state and local governments mandate them. unvaccinated employees and those who work in clinical care settings like pharmacies, they still have to keep that mask on. and next month, walmart dropping a pandemic sick-pay policy they gave associates extra paid time off beyond sick leave. up next, a dramatic decision overnight on the fate of that young russian skater caught up in an olympic doping scandal. plus the stark warning from russia of a top national security official. and we have the super bowl ads that worked and the ones that don t.