so he does the song and the rap about obamacare. he s made something of a name for himself standing in for the president on some of these issues. if pajama boy couldn t do it remember him? i almost forgot. he s one of the boys there he is. one of the symbols of obamacare. they ran this guy in a print ad, something about, hey, it s a nice day to wake up, wear pajamas and get obamacare. yeah. so the point is, young people are not signing up for this. so in an effort to try the number one social network in the world for young people, youtube. so the obama administration thinking, they re not watching television. they re watching youtube videos. that s how we have to reach out. reaching out to all the youtube stars, encouraging them, forgetting celebrities. we saw the kim kardashians tweeting. let s go to the stars of youtube to start talking about obamacare. first they went to your mom. first they got to the parents, turkey dinner, holiday dinner,
to a junior citizen from north carolina. happy birthday from smukers. take a look. elizabeth woodard, 104. roma, i love that name. 100 years old, today. portland. great state of oregon. prettiest state in the country. beautiful. willard sound like he forgot to put this teeth in. i used to listen to him in washington. he s a good guy, nice fellow. 80 years old himself today. 80. insult the men and say he s a good guy and happy birthday. he needs to put his teeth in, happy birthday. eric. cashing in tomorrow morning, the entitlement mentality ruining our children, going from pajama boy to the chick in new jersey who wants to her parents. goes on and on. the liberal left ruining our children. and harry reid, 55,000 union workers about to walk off the
have to go. the thought of a military man having to pay more for his health care when we are flipping over backwards to make sure pajama boy gets his free obamacare, this sin sanity? it is insanity. it is a disgrace. we should be treating our military better and should keep that in mind when president obama claims to be caring about the military when they are balancing the budget and do the entitlement programs in the system off of the back door military person well we will have to leave it will. thank you very much. you can keep the conversation going on twitter. the obamacare surcharge that may have you doing this the next time you get your restaurant bill. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971.
the research out there. we want our kids to be happy and healthy. so we have raised entitled kids by giving them so much attention and making it so child focused. but the back lash is happening among millennial mothers who really are saying i was the result of the helicopter parenting. and maybe it is not all it is cracked up to be. dr. russell, she used the key phrase there. they re growing up to be entitled. and it reminds me of the millennial generation, the pajama boy, this generation of woosies, so is that what you re getting as a result of this parenting? take a brief walk with me, the greatest generation, the world war ii generation, built the modern u.s., they parented with structure, discipline, loving guidance, right? then came the baby boom ers and they profited and built greatly upon that foundation. except at some time they decided
the research out there. we want our kids to be happy and healthy. so we have raised entitled kids by giving them so much attention and making it so child focused. but the back lash is happening among millennial mothers who really are saying i was the result of the helicopter parenting. and maybe it is not all it is cracked up to be. dr. russell, she used the key phrase there. they re growing up to be entitled. and it reminds me of the millennial generation, the pajama boy, this generation of woosies, so is that what you re getting as a result of this parenting? take a brief walk with me, the greatest generation, the world war ii generation, built the modern u.s., they parented with structure, discipline, loving guidance, right? then came the baby boom ers and they profited and built greatly upon that foundation. except at some time they decided