want to piece together who did this, it makes it more difficult. it s not too daunting. they will get to the bottom of this. what this tells me is that this bomber is showing us the full portfolio. he started out with packages that were addressed to particular people in austin. and he dropped them off on their porch. they weren t shipped. now he knew people would be aware of this and looking at video cameras to see who is coming up to a porch and dropping a package off. he moves into the next realm a trip wire, a switch device that is a targeted opportunity. it s not addressed to a specific person and it creates fear and terror. if this is related to this same bomber and i think there s some suspicion that it is, he has now shown a different methodology, shipping something to a fedex facility. so the first time we heard this was just before that trip wire bomb was tripped, was triggered on sunday night. authorities saying, hey, talk to us. we want to hear from you. we want to know wh
horrible flood and storm and to be able to use that leverage and perhaps to delay some of the fighting over the wall to focus on getting a package passed. i think time is what s important. as you ve heard from lawmakers over the past couple of days, they don t want to somehow tie this to the debt ceiling fight which would push a package off. i think the first order of business, they ve got to get back, got to get this agreed to and get money working. you look at details like the fact that from katrina you had refugees from that storm who went to houston, many of whom are still there. there s so much time it takes to settle people, care for people long after the waters recede, this is a recovery effort that the federal government has really got to lead. we still have emergency officials on the ground in new york and new jersey dealing with sandy. so now there s another implication. it seemed like there might be a friday surprise working or at least a short-term policy move with daca.
we don t have their identification as yet, but there seem to be differences. differences in the way these women were packaged. differences in the position on this beach. they were deeper into the thicket than the others. differences. there s a report that there s a male, that there s a child, that one of the victims was dismembered. there s a lot of differences here. and i have to change. originally i thought there was one killer. now i m thinking that that s not the case. you think it s a coincidence because it s kinds a remote isolated area that it s just a coincidence that over time a lot of bodies have been dumped there? i think it very well could be that. if you go down to this area, especially in the colder months, it s very deserted and it s a perfect place to drop a package off and not be seen and escape the area. some of these bodies have apparently been there for quite some time. it is, and it s difficult to establish the postmortem interval, very hard to say how long