Pinvestigation. Pwhat do you know, kelly . P well right now were downtown pnext to water works park. Pand were just next to two exit pramp that is Police Believe the pwrongway driver may have taken pthis morning just before that pnation crash. Pclear one is clearly marked pother one just above goes to pdowntown tampa what we do know pthat crash occurred on the psouthbound exit ramp of 275. Pright now police are still ptrying to piece together what pmay have happened. Pand whether or not alcohol may phave been a factor. Pwhat we do know is that there pare two dead after the driver of pat gold acura sedan slammed into pa silver suv in exit ramp into pdowntown. Pnow both drivers died at the pscene. Pand Neither Police say were pwearing seatbelts. P unfortunately set of pcircumstances not one but two eople are killed here in this pcrash. Pbig back up and nightmare in pheart of tampa. P now police have not yet pidentified the drivers. Pand we are still awaiting ptoxicology reports. Pwell fo