Pinvestigation. Pwhat do you know, kelly . P well right now were downtown pnext to water works park. Pand were just next to two exit pramp that is Police Believe the pwrongway driver may have taken pthis morning just before that pnation crash. Pclear one is clearly marked pother one just above goes to pdowntown tampa what we do know pthat crash occurred on the psouthbound exit ramp of 275. Pright now police are still ptrying to piece together what pmay have happened. Pand whether or not alcohol may phave been a factor. Pwhat we do know is that there pare two dead after the driver of pat gold acura sedan slammed into pa silver suv in exit ramp into pdowntown. Pnow both drivers died at the pscene. Pand Neither Police say were pwearing seatbelts. P unfortunately set of pcircumstances not one but two eople are killed here in this pcrash. Pbig back up and nightmare in pheart of tampa. P now police have not yet pidentified the drivers. Pand we are still awaiting ptoxicology reports. Pwell following this story all pday on fox 13 and on pwww. Fox13news. Com for now preporting live in downtown ptampa, im kelly cowan. Pwere also following a pdeveloping story out of arizona. Olice say two teenager have pbeen shot this high school in hoenix suburb at independent parizona. Olice say there not an active pshooter situation so the rest pnow. Pnot clear if teens shot or pstudents though an at the pschool. Pand well keep you posted here pand on twitter. Plake lal a school bus was rear pended by with a car. Pthis happened on sykes pboulevard. Pthis picture was actually sent pus to a by a student on the bus. Pits looking out the emergency pexit at the car wedged punderneath the bus. P53 kids were on that bus headed pto scott lake elementary. Pthe driver of the car is puninjured or actually is injured pand was tone a local hospital. Panother bus had to take those pkids to school. P four or five feet could have pchanged everything for a family pin riverview. Pinvestigators say a drunk driver lowed through a wall at home on arsons circle overnight. Ptruck just feet away from an a plittle girls bedroom. Pfox 13s Shayla Reeves spoke pwith the a neighbor who stepped pin to help. P terrifying moments in priverview after a driver lost pcontrol, slammed into a house, pand tried to a run away. Pim going to step aside here and pgive you closer look at the pdamage here on the circle. Pfortunately everybody made it pout of that okay. Pstill if you can just imagine pwaking up to this. Pa truck on top of a car inside pyour carport. Pthats what this family pdiscovered just before 2 oclock pin the morning a wake up call pthat ended with a deputies pmaking an arrest. P37yearold rivera is now pwe watched as tow trucks removed ptruck he was driving and three pothers smashed cars. Phearing a crash. Pthen they tried to get out of pone door but they could not get pit open. Pthey had to find another way out pthat you the backside of the phouse as they looked around. Pthey spotted that driver trying pto get away. Pwe learned two men were able to pstop him from leaving the scene. Pand eventually, deputies with phillsborough county sheriffs poffice were able to make an parrest. Pran out and my neighbor keeping pthe guy in place as he pdismounted out of the truck on ptop of the pile of vehicles. Pand shortly right after that, pthe police arrived. Pits unclear how much its going pto cost to repair this home. Por how significant this damage pactually is to the main pstructure of the house. Pwe can tell you that code penforcement was contacted. Pred cross contacted as well. Pwhen you look at this, its a roperty damage, but pfortunately, no lives lost. Preporting here in riverview, pShayla Reeves, fox 13 news. P that is good news, thank pyou, shayla. Pnew this afternoon detectives pare searching for two people who pstole a new truck from pdealership. Pit happened last month sarasota pford off South Washington pavenue. Pthe two men drove a flat bed ptruck to lot with their pheadlights off then pulled in pfront of a ford f 450 that was arked towards the back of the pdealership. Pyou can see them load the truck pon to the flat bed. Pthe truck is worth about p 76,000. P tonight the us n sun dome is pexpected to be packed. Pdump is holding a rally in tampa pand it is one of the hottest ptickets in town. Eople have been registering for pthe free event all week. Roblem is, your seat is no the pguaranteed. Pits first come first serve. Pthat should be interesting. Pdoors open at 5. Pand event actually starts at 7. Pbut theres no down the people pwill be lining up early and if pyoure wondering why trump is pcoming to the Sunshine State so pearly, florida is important pit is the first winner takes pallstate during primaries. Pthats a lot of delegates up for pgrabs. Pit wont just be supporters out pthere tonight. Rotesters with group called pdump the trump are also expected pto demonstrate. Pwe will talk to Political Editor pCraig Patrick why trump us going pinto this rally on a high note pin our next half hour. P meanwhile in South Carolina, prepublicans are digging their pheels in throwing bombs at each pother two remain democratic pcandidates trade ad few hard pdebate shots themselves ahead of pnevada democratic caucus. Pjoel waldman has more now from pwashington. P after Bernie Sanders 20 oints sha lacking of hillary pclinton in new hampshire, the pgloves came off a pbs debate plast night in milwaukee. Ptwo typically more docile demes pshowing voters they are not pafraid to mix it up when it pcomes to important platform lies pforeign policy. Psanders blasting clinton shaig phenry kissinger. Pim proud to a hin rekissinger pi will not take advice from phenry kissinger. P and we are yet to know who pthat is. P thats fine. Pits thats fine. Pthe attacks on republican side ositions. Pdonald trump tweeting his pdisdain for ted cruz regarding pwar campaign. Pfollowing accusations that texas piowa. Pwere getting reports from many pvoters that the Cruise People pback to doing very sleazy and pdishonest push polls on me. Pwe are watching. Pcruz countering billionaire bold passertions accuse trump himself pof being tasteless for pepper pcampaign trail at times withes pexplicit language. P im not sure a lot of voters pare excited about having a resident who when he gets prattled and gets upset begins pgarths. Pdonald trump also going after olitical person. Pbecause of the pontiffs planses pto a visit an area near u. S. Pmexico border. Pin washington joel waldman, fox pnews. P we have update on violent phome invasion and robbery in pdade city. Olice say one of the suspects pwanted with wanted in connection phas turned himself in malik pjohnses being held land olakes pdetention center. Ptwo suspects broke into an papartment on ma jest equilibrium poaks court. Pone two people inside the papartment fired at the inintrude pinintruders other took off. P the polk county psuperintendent could be out of a pjob by this evening. Pkatherine leroy was focus of an pinternal investigation after passociate superintendent greg privers filed nine claims against pher ache accused her of sex a pharassment pursuing a prelationship beyond professional pboundary and create a hostile pwork environment when he pdeclined. Pleroy was cleared of misconduct pbut cool School Board Members pquestion leadership and plan to pwhether to fire her. Pthat will happen at meeting pthe Tampa Bay Lightning showing plove to fans this weekend. Pevent tomorrow and how you can ptake part. Lus a different kind of love pstory. Phow one woman is turning her ptragedy into triumph. Pand hows the weather going to phold up this valentines day . Pjims checking your forecast. Pand that forecast is looking retty good. Pwe continue that warming trend ptoday. Pout on cool side this morning pbut temperatures are really pwarming up nicely. Pas you look out at st. Pete pbeach right now, just a gorgeous plooking view. Phardly a cloud in the sky. Pwe will talk about how warm pwere going to get this weekend. Pill a tampabound flight was delayed this morning. After a van without a driver. Pa tampa bound flight was delayed pthis morning after a van without pa driver, hit and damage ad jet pblue plane at bostons logan pairport. Pflight 891 was due to leave pboston around 6 45 this morning pfour tia. Pjust before taxiing away. Pfueling van rolled underneath pthe parked plane and hit the pwing. Pthe truck was stopped, before phitting another plane and pknocked on board was hurt. Pbut it did leave the plane punable to fly. Assengers arrived in tampa on panother plane later in the pmorning. P Tampa Bay Lightning are phosing their annual celebration pof local hockey in downtown ptampa. Pas fox 13s walter allen shows pus there will be wall to wall pevent featuring street, high pschool, college and amateur phockey on display. Pgood afternoon everybody im pamalie arena joined by dave pandreychuk. Pthe Big Community event tomorrow p12 hours of hockey. Pit doesnt. Phockey day in tampa bay. Pweve done it for few years now preally a celebration of all ptypes of hockey. Pall the way from our kids laying you know street hockey pin the plaza, we have our sled phockey team that will be here phigh school hockey. Pand then of course, our alumni pare involved too with our police pand fire games. Pso a full day of hockey 13 hours pof hockey. Pths very, very cool. P now, the commitment to the pcommunity that jeff vinik pobviously the nhl put 4 million pto help out with Community Stuff pjeff puts in another two of his pown. Pto be part of an organization plike that is amazing. Pyou know what, its been so pgreat. Pjay and his staff have done a pgreat job going to schools palmost four times week they are pgoing to schools. Phanding out sticks to kids. Pand, i think just getting the pword out there about hockey, pamazingly there are people in pthis community that you know, pknow the lightning but dont pknow much about it. Pi think jay is just spreading pthe good word. Pnhl this program is really been pbooming in our community. P so, youve doing this the pthird year. Pwhat do you get . P just exciting for me. Pyou know, to get on a sled, preally to the respect i have for pthese guys that are there. Pi know some of our alumni have pnot done it yet im interested pto see how they are going to do pit and feel good it. Pits humbling. Pand then you know, to have a you pknow a charity game with police pand fire, very cool for these pguys to come down to the pbuilding and to play with us. Pand you know, its, its just pfun. Pjust a fun day. P all right since i have you phere we have to talk a little phockey. Pobvious will canadian trip pdidnt go well as you wanted it pto, but the next week or so, pthis home stand is very pimportant. Pit is huge. Phuge. Pyou know, 48 hours up in canada pdidnt go very well for us. Pweve got zero points out of it pwhich is kind of got to the push pit behind. Pfour games, against very good pnow. Pand looking at the standing and prealizing that you know you got pto have good week or might be pout in playoffs. Pbut, it will be fun for us to pwatch this compete here. Pyou can taking on tonight pnational predators outstanding pgoal tender they are playing retty good right now. Pthey made a move to get a top pguy two great defense man. Pthey play very hard. Pso, we dont see them very poften, and some of our fan dont psee them very often. Pbut with this team is very good pteam. Pthey are scrapping away to get oints too. Pso it will be fun for both pteams. Pokay dave, hey thank you for pjoining us. Pcommunity day starts 9 oclock pin morning thunder alley in laza there where 30 team street phockey tournament will start you pcan watch here 11 15, thats pwhen the blue jackets are, the pbolts excuse me oh my goodness. Pim going to what could here by pdave. P 10 fee to get in but that goes ptowards charity. Ptowards charity, yes. Pfour charities will benefit from pthe day. Pmight be foundation. Pslight hockey foundation. Pand. Pso, its cool. Pits really cool. Pyou know i think our fans will penjoy it. Pall types of hockey all day plong. Pcan you tell i spent a couple pyears in columbus. Pits okay. Pthanks dave starts tomorrow at p9. Pwalter allen, fox 13 news. Pthank you. Pa lot of people are rushing paround right now probably on plunch break. Pgetting there valentines day lans in order. Pbut for some instead celebrating plove they are remembering a lost plove. Pfox 13s jen epstein shares a pvery different kind of love pstory. Pmemory 18 years of marriage hang pon a tree in gails home. Pthis is picture of us in hawaii pon our honeymoon and we were pdressed alike. Pshes honor the man taken from pher life much too soon. Phe was a great husband. Pa great father. Pwe just had great times ptogether. P this is gails first pvalentines day without her phusband robert who died suddenly pin june of 2015. Phe always made valentines day pso special for me. Pand these are some of the things phe has given me over the years. Ponly 8 months that shes been pwithout her husband and her pdaughters without their dad. P but gail has faith that her pfamily will be okay. P he told me one day, he said pif he died before me, he would pwouldnt worry he knew i could ptake care of myself and take pcare of his kids. Pinstead of grieving with her pkids, they celebrate his life ptogether. Pwith scandal and a tree. Plooking a that tree and looking phow much love is on this tree, pit fills my heart with love. Pit evening brings back memory pthat is make her laugh. Pmy husband used to tell me i was phoarder because i kept a lot of pthings. Pall of these things. Pgail knows there are people out pthere who are just like her, and pmourning this valentines day. Pand she hopes her tree will fill ptheir broken heart with love ptoo. P what an original idea. Pjen has telling us such great plove stories in honor pvalentines day weekend id lolo plee Harvey Oswald to hear more pofyours. Pi met my husband on an passignment in cuba in 1998. Ope john paul the ii was meet pfidel castro i traveled there to pdocument their little did i know pthat assignment would change my plife forever. Pdozens of families from tampa ptook that trip with me. Pbut you chose my husbands pfamily to do a story on if youd plike to know more about the pother meeting in cuba that took pmy life in whole different pdirection head over to my pfacebook page. Palso love it if youd share some pof your love stories there. Pall you have to do look for fox p13s Linda Hurtado like page and palso follow me on twitter on pLinda Hurtado, fox. Pso the weathers very important pon valentines day weekend, jim. Psaturday or sunday. Pi think what valentines day pofficially sunday. P yes. Psunday i can tell you right off pthe bats weather looks good on pvalentines day. Pso, nice mild temperatures. Pno excuse for not taking your ploved one out then, right . Pexactly. Pno excuses what over. Pyou know, light winds, plenty of psun. Pnice warm temperatures during pthe afternoon. Pso get out and enjoy the pweather. Pand enjoy valentines day. Pas you look outside right now. Preally a gorgeous day today as pwell. Pstart out on cool side this pmorning right around 50 degrees. Pobviously warmer than we saw pyesterday. Pand this kind of weather that pyoure seeing right now pbasically what we will have for pthe entire weekend. Pnot until early next week that pweve got cold front which will pbe heading our way that will peventually bring us some rain. P66 degrees outside right now. Pdew points at 54. Phumidity is 65 percent. Pthe winds, they are out of the psouth right now at 10 miles an phour. Pwhich is really just going to phelp the warm temperatures up a pbit more as we go through the p70s already starting to show up. Pbrandon youre at 72. Palong with wesley chapel. Pbrooksville, 71 degrees. Pdown in sarasota 66. Pbradenton currently at 69 pdegrees. Pbut as you look over the past 24 phours, we continue that warming ptrend. Pyou can see, 5, 7, 9, 10 degrees pwarmer. Pcompared to this time yesterday. Pand we were warmer yesterday we pwill continue to add on so to pthis a little bit more as we go pthrough the weekend. Pso right now High Pressure just pcontinues to work its way over pthe state. Pso well continue with lighter pwinds. Lenty of sun, relatively low phumidity as well. Pwe do have cold front up to our pnorth. Pthats really kind of bottling pup that very cold air to our pnorth. Pso more mild temperatures which pare developing across our state pacross much of the southern half pthe country. Pgood thing it is, because there pare some very, very cold ptemperatures to our north. Pyou see the very dry air over pus. Pthis front even though it will pnot enough moisture to bring any prain for weekend. Pit will bring slightly cooler ptemperatures a degree or two. Pbut you do see theres very, pnorth. Pbut thats warm compared to what pdirection. Pyou look across canada right pnow. Pthese are current temperatures. Pminus 22. Pminus 20. Pminus 19. Pthen you look at the windchills pon top of it, minus 60, minus p37. Pthat cold air is going to be pswinging down across the pnortheast. Pthe windchill advisories for pweekend up across much the pnortheast between 30 and 50 pdegrees below zero. Ploads of sun for us today. Pmeantime high of 70 degrees. Pthen for tonight we will see pmainly clear skies overnight low pof 53 degrees. Pmild day for tomorrow. Pdaytime high 67 degrees. Phig tide comes up 4 45 this pafternoon. Prain forecast through weekend plooks pretty good. Pwinds fairly light. P10 to 15 knots. Pand seas at two to 4 feet. Psee nice mild weather. Pall through the weekend. Pincluding valentines day. Pbut by monday, as monday night pinto early tuesday, have storms pheading our way about a 60 ercent chance of storms on pmonday night, lirnd. Pthank you, jim. Pcharley belcher is turning pturning cowboy. Pyou dont wan we stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We g ive you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Were learning more about a machete attack inside a restaurant in ohio. Pwere learning more about a pmachete attack inside an prestaurant in ohio. Pan officials credited employees pand customers with helping them pcatch attack per it happened plast night. Olice say man walked into prestaurant wielding a machete. Pstarted stanning people at prandom. Pbefore finally taking off in a pcar. Pthe Police Say Witnesses gave pthem a good description of the pman and the get away car even plicense plate number. Pfew miles away. Pofficers shot and killed lunged pthem with machete and another pknife. Pfour people were hospitalized pbut they are expected to be pokay. P to 2 bill cosby accuser ptestified Colorado State capitol pyesterday. Pthey are in favor of a bill that pwould extend state statute of plimitation. Pfrom 10 to. Pheres latest from the roposals. P i am a survivor of sexual passault. Pbeing drunked and sexually passaulted in 1986 in denver. Psecond woman heidi thomas says pshe too was sexually assaulted pby bill cosby 32 years ago. P no would have believed pflorida jello pudding pop, pmr. Dr. Hucks tabl was capable pof rape and Sexual Assault. Pi would have been laughed off ptwo colorado women among more pthan 50 victims who and come pforward. Pcomedian fakes Sexual Assault in ennsylvania. Pcourthouse doors in colorado phave been slammed on there pattempts to seek justice because pthe statute of limitations is pover. Pthe they testified state capital pday in a support bill that pswould extend statute of plimitations to 20 years. Pi was too fearful to be able to pgo and report my Sexual Assault. Pbecause of the power of bill pcosby and not being able to feel pthat i would have a voice. Pthe bill would not impact thomas pbut a sponsor state prepresentative rhonda field says pit will help future victims. Pif you have experienced sexual passault you dont have to keep pit to yourself any more. Pwe believe you. Pwe want you to come forward. P you can expect crowds and pcongestion around usf tonight. Pdonald trump will be there for a atrick will show us why hes i do everything on the internet. But its kind of slow. My friends said i should get fios because its the fastest. But i thought it would be too expensive. Whos that, jenny . No kate. Turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. And its 100 megs. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. Were out of 2 then i thought, maybe other things could be better. I heard that. Switching to Better Internet is now easier than ever. Only fios has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. So you can send files up to 5x faster than cable, with capacity to handle all of your devices. Now get something that only fios offers 100 meg upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for a price weve never offered before just 69. 99 a month online. And there isnt even an annual contract. Just go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios. Thats 100 meg internet speeds, tv phone for our best offer ever. Fios. 3 3 its expected to be a packed house p its expected to be packed phouse tonight at usf sun dome pwhen republican president ial pfront runner donald trump takes pover for a rally. Olitical editor Craig Patrick pjoins us now. Ptrump is going into this rally pon a really high note. Pwe say high note because he pdemolished other republicans in pnew hampshire. Pa strong showing second place in piowa. Pand with this he appears to be pleading in the polls including pflorida all across the nation. Pand with floridas winner take pall primary coming on march the p15th, hes coming here in padvance of that. Pand if he can show as he has pshown before, that he can draw p10,000 plus people to the sun pdome, its going to be very hard pfor marco rubio and jeb bush to pfollow with similar crowds in pdonald trump. Pbut at the same time, hes not pjust focused on florida. Phes coming here. Phe also is focused on south pcarolina and we have some brand pnew poll numbers coming up from pSouth Carolina. Pwe havent seen numbers for a pwhile in that state yet we will psee some coming up at 5 and 6. Pyeah. Pso on other side craig theres paction there too. Pwhat were your take aways from plast night democratic debate . Pbruiser. Pthis ones long way from pfinished. Poop i think that Hillary Clinton pat points in the debate was peffective in trying to portray pBernie Sanders as a one trick ony. Pwhether the issue is race prelations are infrastructure, he palways relates it back to wall pstreet. Pand she was not just defensive, pbut on offense at points during pthe debate. Pand it got feisty at times. Pbut to sanderss credit he also pcame across a very authentic he pknew how to defend against pattacks from Hillary Clinton. Pin way that was very su sinths pand he is making the case that pmany of the issues the defining pissues in that democratic race pdo in fact relate to a corrupt pcampaign finance system and palso, to abuses on wall street. Pthats his mantra. Pwith all this going on what are pyou working on for money, power pand politics this sunday night pat 11 30 . Pwe will dig into South Carolina pweve got new numbers coming oh rojections we may show you who pmay have inside track and take plook at odd math on score board pas well to show how candidates pcan actually windy votes and pwind up losing delegated paccount. Pin addition to that digging pdeeper into water scandal in pflint, michigan a case of our pgovernment poisoning children to psave money. Ptonight or i should say sunday pnight and saturday evening. P5 30. Pagain our new time saturday pevening at 5 30. Pthen sunday at 11 30. Pwere going to take a look at pthe big donors cashing in on pthis scandal. P all good stuff, thank you, pcraig. Pa polk county man waiting to get pauto shop and now they need some phelp figuring out exactly who he pis. Pit happened wednesday at titos ptire shop off service road 60 in plake wales. Pthat car. Olk county deputies say he pstole more than 600 in cash pfrom the front desk exile pemployees serviced his tires. Pgold 90s model infinity 4 door pcar. Asco county deputies are plooking for man in this pSurveillance Video accused of a pburglarizing smoker paradise psmoke shop on state road 54 on psunday. Pman walked up to the shop, psmashed the glass to the front pdoor, and took money from the pregister inside. Pthe Surveillance Video is pretty pclear even though the hoodie is phiding much his face. Phistoric meet foggy christians ope francis and a head russian pott dock church are meeting in pcuba. Pfirst time leaders of two pchurches have ever met. Pfoxs Steve Harrigan is in miami pwith more. Ope francis the departing rome pforeground breaking meeting with ptwo will meet private for few phours havanas airport and talks pannounces just last week. Pit is the first that patriot prussian Orthodox Church and otty of Catholic Church meet. Pit needed to be prepared in psecret. Ope francis credited with help pcuba mend ties with the u. S. And pa vatican says this meeting is pan effort to ease one,000 years pof discord between western and pchristianity. Pthey are expect to sign a joint pdeclaration and deliver pspeeches. P for the church are for the plife for everybody for all the pworld. Pmust p the meeting come as tension pbetween moscow and western pcountries remains high over pcrises in syria ask ukraine. Prussian president putin has ties pand met with francis two times psince start of his pap east. Phes not carrying in sort of pmessage from pew tien. Pthat is meeting two church pleaders and there is no politics pin this meeting and trying to pfind is absolutely pointless pfrom cuba the pope goes mexico pwhere he will perform mass on pu. S. Mexican border. Pin miami, stef harrigan, fox pnews. P they could see the power of pthis technology. Ponce only available to select pfew Virtual Reality is now pavailable to everyone. Pit is a projected to become a pmulti billion dollar business in pfew short years. Pmark wilson reports, if two plocal visionary get their way pbulk of that money will be spent pright here in the bay area. Pimagine yourself in a south pamerican village. Por in a hill top castle in pcalifornia. PVr Technology can take you panywhere these days. Peven to amazing places right phere in the bay area. Pwhere views simply stunning. P David Downing a pinellas pcounty Tourism Agency created an uts you right in milgsdz of all pthe action. PVirtual Reality i wont say its pthe wave of the future, its pwave of right now. Plargest Tourism Convention is pthey pulled out all stops. Pwe had people lined up around pthe corner. Pthe entire show room floor was pabuzz. Pwe had more than 500 people to pbooth just to try the ptechnology. Plook up look down look all the pway around. Pit is truly an immersive pexperience. Pmarriage of Vr Technology and ptourism will help boost our peconomy. Pat the end of the day its very pbig responsibilities with lot of eople whose livelihoods are pdependent on what we do st. Pete poffices, future is now. Pwe provide augmented and virtual preality solutions to principally pretailers and manufacturers. Pin this bo heem up lot of pinnovation is call of the day. Pour particular focus as we think pthat retailers and manufacturers pare going to be very interested pin using this technology for ptheir purposes. Pwith partners lowes home pfuturistic science has practical papplications were bring digital pshow room so customer can take pipad se simple drag and drop pexperience, countertop flooring ptile, picked couple cabinetry pand put on a headset and pactually be immersed in the room pthat they are designing. Pin business for under five years ptheyve seen their street cred pgrow not only across the country pbut on wall street as well. Pwhat was once we stricted to ponly research is military is popen to the masses. Pi dont think were very far paway from full experience matter pof fact some of the them gets ptakes us pretty big step towards pthat. P and of course is our mark pwilson. Pthose lowe are slowly being prolled out right now nearest plows store is miami. Pbut were told they are working pon those bay area stores. Pjust in time for valentines pday, what to do with your exs psee who is willing to frustrated with your Overactive Bladder medicine not working . Cant handle the side effects . Botox treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. Ask your urologist if botox can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. The effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Dont take botox if you cant empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. Side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. Tell your doctor your muscle or nerve conditions, medications including botulinum toxins, antiplatelets and blood thinners, may increase the risk of serious side effects. Ask a urology specialist pif botox can help pcalm your bladder. Pvisit botoxoab. Com pand learn how botox pcan be a low cost option. 3 lots to choose from at the box off this weekend. Including deadpool plots to choose from include dead ool starring ryan rental. Pbut as foxs Kevin Mccarthy preports, its definitely not for pyour kids. P dead pool based on marvel pcomics character and film takes lace x men cinematic universe pwhich means it takes place same puser as x men films youve seen reviously reviously. Pa wade wilson, a former special pforces operative turned pmercenary diagnosed with pterminal cancer under goes an pexperiments projects that leaves phim incredible healing powers pbut entire body scarred. Phe spends most the film trying pand film itself is absolutely pincredible. Pits so much fun. Pit is completely different from pany super hero film youve ever pseen. Pcomes to writers of zombie land. Pvery meta. Pvery funny. Philarious ive seen film twice pnow i had to seed second time pbecause you missed half jokes pfirst time around. Paction incredible Ryan Reynolds pwas born to play this role. Pi love this is chemistry with t pj miller. Pmove itself is so over the top. Pbut for some reason, also this pelement of a grounded reality. Pgreat love story to the film. Pand the a characters or so much pfun to watch i love every preference to every, they preference so many funny classic pfilms in the movie. Pit is very r rated. Pryry raunchy, also very, very pviolent. Pkeep in mind not for kids. Pi absolutely love this film ive pseen it for third time this pweekend i gave 4 and a half out pof 5. Pagain Ryan Reynolds is amazing. Pan end credit sequence through pentire credits their an extra pscene for you four and a half pout of 5 for that movie. Pvalentines day is just around pthe corner. Pbreak. Pso what do do with stuff your ex pleft behind . Pfox 13s Kimberly Kuizon says pdont trash it, donate it psometimes the happiest of memory psurrounding an object. Ainful. Pespecially when it involves an pex boyfriend or girlfriend. Pwe kind had a toufl break up pdistance. Pwe didnt want to break am ima ptoday decided to drop oof giant pteddy bear her ex boyfriend gave pher. Pi was thinking if i donate this preally great teddy bear, psomebody will come through and pbuy it for girlfriend or mom or pdad will want to buy if for are pthere kids. Pi think in much better hands pthis valentines day good will pis asking broken hearted to pdonate your exs stuff. Psoon be turned into good ones. P were liken couraging people pinstead of doing something pdrastic you might regret bring pit into our stores do something preally nice with it. Pwhile good will does want your pdonations they say to make sure pthe stuff youre giving yours pnot personal property of your pex. Psomeone leaves something behind pdont malicious make sure they phave left behind or something ptheyve given you that you dont pneed any more. Pby getting rid of left over pbaggage you also making yourself pfeel a little better. Pwe say turn the hate into pdonate. Phelp somebody else in community. Pafter being bigger person will palways be the best bet. Pyou can always get through doing pstuff like this makes you feel a plittle bit better. Pin manatee county, kimberly pkuizon, fox 13 news. P fuf aquestions about what pyou can or cant donate good pwill says to give them a call. Phead over to our website, web pfor more information. Plive look outside right now phave another check on y p hey everybody im charley pbelcher coming to you from a plakeland today. Pthe Lakeland Center to be exact. Phere wrer they are getting ready pfor lakeland pro rodeo classic. Ptonight and tomorrow afternoon. Pwho better to talk with about prodeo than miss rodeo florida. Pkelly, congratulations on this. Pi didnt know there was miss prodeo florida. Ptell me about it. Pyes, there is. Ptheres actually even a miss prodeo aalaska and hawaii and new pyork. P so that must mean rodeo pamerica . P yes. Pso december ill go to las vegas pill compete for the title of pmiss rodeo america. Pi do know this is not just a pstand up on stage and smile retty. Pthis is kind of a mini rodeo pcompetition in and of if self. Pwe are judged or on our riding pabilities we have to ride two pdifferent random horses that pweve never been on before and pwe have to take a written test pon horse man ship and riding and prodeo. Pand we also go through tons of pquestions speeches things like pthat. Pthat sounds exciting pcongratulations to be misrodeo pflorida representing here at the plakeland pro rodeo classic. Pwhat can people expect at the prodeo tonight and tomorrow pafternoon . Ptonight and tomorrow afternoon pwere going to have an action acked pabout two hours 15 minutes long pand every event from barrel pracing to bull riding. Pwrestling tire do you peverything you can think of. Pyes when you think rode you pthink of a trick riding we saw pkatie and haley this morning d pfor us. Pthat, thats amazing. Pand the Barrel Racing and all pthe fun, the rope tricks. Pall things that go along with prodeo, its kind of neat to see pthat still exist. Pin this modern technological pera. Pso much of our rodeo go back to pwrist history of this country pand raising cattle out on the pfarms. Pand so, its, just really great pfamily event. Padult ticket comes two kids ptickets a great family patmosphere. Plook at that. Pthats nice. Pevery dult comes with kids 12 pand under. Pthats right. Pfantastic. Pand thats, good family fun of prodeo. Pwhat its all about. Preally all about family patmosphere. Pthank you. Pgood luck at miss rodeo america. Pthank you. Pthere you go, folks. Pit lakeland pro rodeo classic ptomorrow tomorrow after some ptickets Still Available if you pgo to www. Fox13news. Com. Pwe will link you to the website pso you you can scoop up those ptickets. Pcharley belcher, fox 13 news. P thank you, charley. Phappy valentines day to you. Phow about a hug for valentines pday . Pa california based dog training pcompany has enlisted four padorable dog students to pdemonstrate 5 different ways to phug ror loved ones. Pfirst of theres the sly hug. Pmaybe use this one first time phugging your valentines day pcrush. Psecond gets a little drag in, pfor more tender hug the pup pshows us light touch method. Pdad this valentines day you can puse the crisscross hug. Pthats cute. Pand of course if all else fails palways the classic bear hug pwhich leads to execute erfectly. Pim. Pfan out bear hug just hug. Pdont you think, jim . Psure. Pdrag in. Pdrag in . Plike what maybe a first date phug . Pi dont know. Pthere you go right there. Pwell sly with unone there pweekend looking pretty good. Pi got to tell you, you know we pwere a little worried beginning pweek all cold temperatures maybe pgood snug willing weather. Pgood to get outside. Penjoy your valentines day. Pbecause going to look like this retty much all weekend long pwith plenty of sun. Pyou see just a few scattered pclouds out there. Phumidity stays very comfortable. Pso really, just perfect weather pfor this time of the year to get poutside and enjoy the outdoor psun. P66 degrees here in tampa. Pwesley chapel, brandon both at p72 degrees. Pthroughout interior. Pdown in sarasota, youre 66 pdegrees. Pbradenton at 69 degrees. Peven across the northern part of pthe state warming up nicely ptallahassee is currently at 73 pdegrees. Pand this basically day two of pthe warming trend. Pand were running between 5, 9, pup to some cases 13 degrees pwarmer compared to this time pyesterday. Pas we go through the weekend we pwill just continue to add a plittle bit more on to. Pweve got High Pressure sitting pover the state. Pthats going to give us a nice pclear skies. Pover the next several days. Pwe do have cold front to our pnorth. Pthis front will try and sneak a plittle bit further down to the psouth. Pand kind of move through here as pwe go through the weekend. Pbut, as you look at the water pvapor imagery. Pyou see all dry air. Pthats red shade. Peven though weve got front pcoming through here, no rain pwith front because air just too pdry. Pnice mild temperatures on psouthern end of this, colder pand in fact very cold pgreat lakes and northeast. Pso even though weve got front ushing through, were only pgoing to drop that temperature a pdegree or two. Pwhich is a good thing. Pbecause certainly some very, pvery cold air on the map. Plook up in the, look a wind pchills, minus 36. Pminus 41. Pthis cold air will swing down pacross the portions of pnortheast. Pover the weekend, places like phampshire. Padvisories. P30 to 50 degrees below zero for pwindchills some bitterly cold pair will move in across the part pof the country. Pfor us though we watch that pfront, it will sneak down across pthe state. Pdry, so maybe a couple clouds pwith it reinforcing that dry pair. Pweather as we go through the pweekend. Pforecast for today, loads of psun. Pdaytime high of 70. Pfor tonight a mild night povernight low of 53 degrees. Pthen for tomorrow, plenty of psun, daytime high 67 degrees. Pheres a 7 day forecast. Pcontinue to slow warming trend pall the way through weekend. Pbut by monday, monday night, pwell see some rain heading our pway up to 60 percent chance of psome showers, maybe a few pthunderstorms mixed in there as pwell. Plinda. Pthank you, jim news alert very psad update to School Shooting pinvestigation out of glen dale, parizona. Olice are now saying that two p15yearold female students of pindependence high school have pbeen killed in that shooting. Olice are telling us that ptheres no active shooter at pthis time but no word on what pwell keep you updated on hey, guys, its annie. You know, as moms, we are always looking for new ways to save money. Pwell today, im going to share with you pa simple tip that could help you stretch your budget when it comes to your grocery shopping. Not bad. Pits easy bogos from other stores arent always the best deal, pbut walmart every day low prices, pwell, that could save you some money. Tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs winn dixie was 24. 49 in this weeks basket thats 22 . Including bogos. Give walmart every day low prices a try today. The annual santyago illuminated knight parade is night. P the pa parade will feature pmore than 100al lum nating proyalty. Ptampa bay rays and big brother arade. Pall the fest activities kick off pavenue. P when you think of valentines pday, flowers, cards and pchocolates come to mind. Pkelly ring says this love story pis whats right with tampa bay. P i guess my god, thats the pgal for me. Pgabriel cupids arrow first pstruck him when he first saw hi pwife margaret. Pi said do my buddy do you see pthat gal in the pink sweater pthats the gal im going marry. Pnow more than 60 years later pthey are still together. Pthat was pure love at first psight. Pthey became sweethearts. Pgabriel enlisted in army at 18. Pmary waited four years while pgabriel was overseas. Pthey got married when he came pback home in 1954. Phe was a 22, she was 20. Pi think its ab wonderful pjourney. Pthe best advice margaret can pgive young couples today, you pgot to work at a marriage. Pyou got to work and help each pother. Pand support each other. Pthats what they do every day. Pand this sunday is the panniversary of the commitment p60 years ago. Pday. Pgabe gave me this ring and i, pits been reset twice but its pstill the same diamond that he pgave me in 1952. Pit was a meant to be the first ptime he set eyes on her. Pmy maiden name is valentine. Plove is at the heart of their pcommitment. Pbe loving. Phe really loves to hug. Pthe kisses arent bad either. Pthat just makes me smile. Ptwo first graders show st. Etersburg Police Department psome love for all their hard pwork. Pthe two took time to bring pofficers breakfast this morning. Pthey wanted to thank the pdepartment for keeping them psafe. Pall part of a Service Projects pfor her class asally ya pelementary school. Pthey brought officers breakfast psandwich Cinnamon Rolls and pvalentines day cupcakes. Pshe event spent her own pallowance money to buy all the p52 food. Pshe hand delivered cards from pawful her classmates. P valentines day just brings pout the good in everybody. Pit does. Pbe kind to one another. Pi like that. Pcertainly we will have good pweather to get outside and enjoy pwhatever you have planned, pright . Pyeah. Pno excuses this weekend. Pbecause what you see out there pright now is just going to get pbetter. Lenty of sun nice mild ptemperatures in as we go through pweekend you can see daytime pupper 60s, low 70s. Palthough by monday night, got psome rain heading our way. Pbut the weekend picture perfect. Pthats okay. Pnothing of us thinking about pmonday yet. Pjust thinking about weekend. Pnews doesnt end here we will pkeep posting latest all day on ptwitter and facebook. Pand look for more news, weather pand sports beginning a p5 oclock. Paccess is hollywood. Phope to see you right back with pme here at 5. Phave a great afternoon. Prealtime closed captioning rovided by u. S. Captioning im chris bosh. When i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. Fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. Treatment with xarelto. Hey guys hey, finally, somebody i can look up to. Besides arnie. Xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. 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You know xarelto is the 1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. Thats a big win. It is for me. With xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto. Was the right move for us. You have to bend down and cough. How was it . Yeah. Really . Surprising postprison revelations you have not heard. A sixperson bed share. Im billy bush with teresas take on joes rumored infidelity and her own experiences with sex in the big house. But did they want to boomboom with you . Why did lamar choose kanyes fashion show to make his first public appearance since nearly fatally overdosing . And our Kerry Washington why shes attending the oscars