Pdonald trump has taken the stage pin palm beach. Pman great company, harmaceutical company, theyre pgoing to ireland, and there are pso many more. Pyou have people who cant get ptheir money back into the pcountry because the politicians pcant get along, they cant make pa deal, everyone agrees pdemocratic and republican, peverybody agrees, the money pshould come back. Ptheres two and a half trillion pdollars outside of this country. Peverybody agrees that the money pshould be here and the oliticians, for three years, phavent been able to make a pdeal. P applause . Pman we could make a deal. Ptheres an example of something pthat you could do, if i sat down pwith a few of the senators, a pfew of the congressman, you pcould make a deal on that in ten pminutes if you knew what youre pdoing because Everyone Wants to pdo it. Pcompanies are actually leaving pour country to get their money. Pnot only because our taxes are plower by the way, but companies pare leaving our country to get ptheir
Panother super tuesday. Pmore than a thousand delegates pare at stake with 347 of them pright here in sunshine state. Pvoters in illinois, missouri, pnorth carolina, ohio and florida pall head to polls tomorrow. P and eats tight race in ohio pbetween trump and governor pkasich. Eter doocy tells us trump will pfocus all of his attention on pthe buckeye state. P donald trump is shifting pcampaign tactics ahead of ptomorrow primary races dubbed psuper tuesday part 2. Pthe millionaire mogul cancelling pappearance in florida where olls show him with a psubstantial lead over gop privals. Pand instead focus his energy on pohio trying to slow momentum of pgovernor john kasich who holds a pslight edge in his home state. P my message is getting heard. Pim you know performing better pin illinois. Pim going to win ohio. Pand its going to be a whole new pball game. Pright now trump holds a psignificant lead when it comes pto delegates, but is still only pacquiring necessary number to psecure the no
P 100 million over a leaked sex ptape involving a how sgan and a premember four wife of his friend pshock jock bubba the love psponge. Pa gloria judge warned the jury pin this case that testimony pcould get pretty explicit. P yes. Pvery, very salacious. Pactually expect a lot of psalacious testimony during this ptwoweek trial. Pyoure right hogan showed up to pcourt with his team of attorneys pright wise has attorney during popening statements told jury pgawker had intent oh harm his pclient when they posted clip of pa sex tape involving hogan and pat wife of his best friend bubba pthe love sponge at the time. Pgawker said he wanted to inflict pharm and make money they told pjury boy does gawker make a lot pof money big bonus during that ptime. Pand also, a high traffic of at ptheir website after posting that psex tape. Pthey say gawkers motives were p a morbid and sensational roviding into private lives. Pcome watch hulk hogan have sex pbecause were all shameless, pvoyeurs ask demons.
Pduring his visit to cuba. Pmore than 30 people are dead and pdozens of others are injured and pnow the Islamic State group is pclaiming responsibility saying pthe extremists opened fire in pairport and that several of them pdetonated suicide bombs. P this is video taken in the paftermath of those attacks at pthe airport and a subway system. Pbrussels airport was put on yolk pdown metro system has completely pshut down. Pthe state department is looking pinto reports that at least three pamericans were wounded in those pattacks. Resident obama says u. S. Will pstand in solidarity with bell pjune authorities. P and this is yet another preminder that the world must punite. Pwe must be together regardless pof nationality or race or faith pin fighting against the scouring pof terrorism. P and we continue to our pcoverage now with a foxs leland p reporter as of now we know pof at least three americans pwounded in attacks they were pmormon missionaries inside the pbrussels airport. Pand fear
Pofficer. Pblood tests will now determine pif he was impaired at the time pof the crash. P alcides tampa police are psearching for the person that phit and killed a driver in ybor pcity and kept on going. Pit happened just after 10 30 plast night. Pthe area was very active povernight as investigators rocessed the scene. Prepublica de cuba was shut down pfor traffic but is reopened. P anjuli theyre pinvestigating an accident that pclaimed the light of a edestrian at sunset point road pjust west of hercules avenue. Olice say a man was hit and pkilled and police are pinterviewing the driver. Pthe roads were closed as police pinvestigate pinvestigated, but they have psince reopened. P alcides the road to the pwhite house is bumpy and violent pthis morning. P anjuli ed henry has a look pat the race from cleveland. P reporter the road to the pwhite house is looking more like pa professional wrestling match pthan a president ial battle. Pfriday nights matchup between ptrumps supporters and op