Pduring his visit to cuba. Pmore than 30 people are dead and pdozens of others are injured and pnow the Islamic State group is pclaiming responsibility saying pthe extremists opened fire in pairport and that several of them pdetonated suicide bombs. P this is video taken in the paftermath of those attacks at pthe airport and a subway system. Pbrussels airport was put on yolk pdown metro system has completely pshut down. Pthe state department is looking pinto reports that at least three pamericans were wounded in those pattacks. Resident obama says u. S. Will pstand in solidarity with bell pjune authorities. P and this is yet another preminder that the world must punite. Pwe must be together regardless pof nationality or race or faith pin fighting against the scouring pof terrorism. P and we continue to our pcoverage now with a foxs leland p reporter as of now we know pof at least three americans pwounded in attacks they were pmormon missionaries inside the pbrussels airport. Pand fear