Doorfor much pColder Weather and more snow ptowards the d. C. Area, as well pas chicago around the great plakes and dipping around ptennessee. Plow possible system, possible pstorm tracks. Pwell continue to track with pback end scat areaed showers. Pthat strong jet will open the pdoor for Colder Weather for the psoutheast and towards florida. Pnortheast, a double dose of low ressure systems producing more psnow. Pkendis, reena. P paul, thank you. P the white house is asking pcongress for 1. Billion to fight pthe zika virus as the state of pemergency expands in florida. Pthe money would be used on a pvaccine and other measures to rotect women from the mosquito pborn isis. Pwere six months away from the psummer games in brazil, home to poutbreaks. Pu. S. Public officials are padvising athletes to get the pfacts from the cdc. Pbut for some, theres no p i dont care what kind of pviruses, were going to fish pthis one out. P the cdc placed its command pcenter on its highest level of palert.
P let me tell you when you wear pthat, you look like, im your pdriver. Pyou look intellectual. Pyou look handsome. Pand then saying you look good in pit. Pwearing every day from 6 to 10. Pthats it. Pwhen it is 90 degrees out. Pnot at all, we made a light pnortheast winds. Pwere starting a 50. Pwe still have many spots in 40s pincluding lakeland at 46. Pbartow at 46. Pnew port richey 47. Pbrooksville around 48. Pand with some wind coming in ptheafternoon not toop. P59 to be a likely forecast high ptomorrow. Pcold start. Pbut decent finish with a high ptemperature of 63. Pvanessa p thank you, dave. P9 0 one a crash were following pauto pam harbor with lane pblockage. Pit will be affecting tampa road pa mcmullen booth road. Peastbound direction two lanes pare going to blocked. Plighter volumes on roadways. Pwere not seeing any major pdelays a couple extra minutes pwill do you fine. Pcoming up in a couple minutes pchecking in on major and some pearlier trouble spots. P well it was long day
Phey jim whats going on now. Pstill tracking storms. Pbig storms through pinellas pcounty Hillsborough County just pa couple hours ago. Pnow action shifted down to our psouth. Pstill have a couple of left over pshowers, now entering pinellas pcounty. Pbut really the big action is pdown to our south, in sitting pjust off the coastline. Pyou can see that pretty strong pcell thats hitting just off the pcoast of say central and psouthern Sarasota County. Papproaching southern sarasota. Palso charlotte county. Pand then watching this cell for pthe past say half an hour to 45 pminutes. Pbecause its been showing just a pbroad, broad rotation down in pthis area. Pkind of measure this off the pcoastline. Pand its still sitting probably pabout 18 miles off the coast. Pive watching this since robably about 40 to 45 miles poff the coastline. Pso as this continues to move ptowards the coast, theres the ossibility we could see a ptornado trying to develop in pthis. Pso were going to watch this pvery
laura plaura we begin with this news palert this morning. Psome frightening new pdevelopments this morning in pbrussels. Pthe city is locked down after a pseries much explosions this pmorning. Pwe know at least 13 people are pdead and the witnesses say that pceilings at the airport pcollapsed and there is blood peverywhere. Pexplosions struck at the busiest ptime of the day, too. Pofficials are calling it a pterror attack and its days pafter the prime suspect in the pbrussels. Pwere monitoring the situation pand well bring you updates as pwe come in. Pget over to dave and a look at pthe forecast. Pdave do you know what . Pgrab your jackets this morning. Pwe have a big range in pthere. Pbartow is now dropped to 39 pdegrees here at 6 00. Pbrooksville, 37. Pcrystal river, 36. Ptampa Still Holding at 50 pdegrees but again, theyre pcloser to where the waters are. Pso if youre inland, youre p40s if not the 30s. Pfrost advisory out for inland ortions of citrus and hernando pas well until 9 00
Pfinally gone national. Pabout a dozen states and power pto revive kill or lock up the pcampaign that is remain in the prace today. P donald trump has a massive plead in a national polls. Pand in most states voting today. Pand he isnt drying to lower pexpectations. Pwere going to win, win, win, pwin. Pbut trump trailing senator ted pcruz in texas, which has more pthan 3 times the delegates of pany other state voting today. P and were entering the phase pof the primary where delegates pbegin to really matter. Pthe first few states, first few rimaries serve a function of wi pwi knowing the field. Phillary clinton is already plooking toward general election pand a potential opponent trump. Pi got to tell you im looking pforward to those debates. Pbecause at some point you cant pjust say whatever pops into your phead if you want to be the resident of the United States pof america. Pvermont senator Bernie Sanders pcampaigned just announce a precord breaking 42 million fund pbut he still tra