Eople of iowa head to the olls. P the voting starts tonight pafter months of campaigning but psome candidates around hitting proad today in a series of last pminute pitches. Phoping to persuade voters to phead to the polls. P irrespective of what happens ptonight this campaign will pcontinue tonight. Ptonight is important first time pany americans will get to answer pquestion of what comes next for pamerica after barack obama. P this is a long process. Pand we do well here. Pwere going to be just fine. Pand then ill have you come down pto south carolina. Prepublicans will cast v. Votes pin secret ballot. Pbut democrats caucus in open. Pwith voters able to make a psecond choice if their candidate pdoesnt receive enough support. P those rules make former pmaryland governor martin pomalley currently polling paround 4 percent in iowa up a otential king maker. P im here to challenge the eople of iowa to do what you do pbest, lift up a new leader so we pcan move our country forward. P [ chee
We have right now if a story that so many of you have been following since hannah went missing. Also developing now, the next phase in the battle to destroy isis is now beginning. The u. S. Is moving to arm and train the syrian rebels. Thats after the senate gave final congressional approval to president obamas man to do so. The measure winning strong bipartisan support. After the vote president obama once again insisted there will be no u. S. Troops on the ground against isis. This is in keeping with a key principle of our strategy. The American Forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. Their mission is to advise and assist our partners on the ground. Also today, Isis Coalition member france launched its first air strikes against the terror group in North Eastern iraq. A new video shows british journalist john cantly who has been held captive now for more than two years. Weve got a live report from long dop. What can you tell us about the new vi