YEah, yEah, yEah. I know. That fEEls good to bE onEEls Goo Top and thE bottom. Happy tuEsday, EvEryonE. EarliEr, prEsidEnt bidEn addrEssEd thE UnitEd Nations GEnEral AssEmbly for thE lasr tT TimE as commandEr in chiEf. HE said, ill miss sai thEir colorful costumE and thEld way thEy sing. Its a small world, AftErEr L all. EarliEr today, thE prEsidEnt Earl thE un, ng lEasEd asking lEadErs from All OvEr ThE World to put asidE thEir diffErEncEs and EnjodEy amEricas quality. HE thEn lEd thE EntirEy AssEmbly in a rousing pErformancE of dEatH To amEric a. But in a sign of goodwill, israEl prEsEntEd him with a monogrammEd pagEr. YEah, so PrEsidEnt Erdogan of turkEy also addrEssEdassEmb ThE GEnEral AssEmbly today, causing onE man to ask, did SomEonE TurkEy . NEw footagE of an unidEntifiEdn jump in scotlands loch NEsshu SuggEstsmp in thaT ThErE might bE two loch nEss monstEr. ThrEE morE and thEyll havE a show. Jill bidEn mEt with Martin ShEEn and othEr actors from thE wEst wing. ShEEn said it wa
[ ] feels good to be on top. And the bottom. Happy tuesday everyone. Earlier today president biden interest united nations general a simile for the last time as commander in chief. He said he will miss their colourful costumes and the way they sing. At the small world after all. Earlier today the president of iran also addressed the u. N. Asking leaders from all over the world to put aside their differences and enjoy america s quality. He then led the entire assembly in arousing performance of death to america. But in a sign of goodwill is representative with a monogram pager. [cheering and applause] [laughter] so the president of trkiye also addressed the general assembly today. Causing 1 man to ask, did someone say trkiye? new footage of an unidentified hump in scotland s loch ness suggests that there might be 2 loch ness monsters. 3 more and they will have a show. [laughter] joe biden met with martin sheen and other actors of the west wing. Sheens it was nice to meet someone else w
And welcome to hannity. And we are 43 days away from Ani Inflection point for this country. That Ion S the 2024 election. Early voting now underwayng in multiple states includingg pennsylvania, virginia and elsewhere. Virgt i start with good news and theres a little bad news. The goodnews my first. DonalD Trump is performing very well in multiplerump i polls. University of mary washington. A survey shows that Donald O Trump in deadlock in the commonwealth of virginia. Thats a State Biden won by ten points. Pranwhile, a New York timeten Ps Siena Poll hases President Trump up by five in arizona, four in georgia, two in North Carolina, on top of last week, the atlanta journAl Constitution, they haD Trump up in georgia, georgia, North Carolina must wige n states for Donald Trump. Now, these were polls of likeley voters, which is typically more accurate than, quote, migistered voters. But youve got to keep this innd mind. The New York times poll traditionall y left in 2020. S very this very
Address his economic plan this afternoon in georgia after making this Pennsylvania Moms day. Here. Going to go down a little bit. Went down 100. Well do that for the White House. Todd Vice President harris reportedly considering going to the border after video shows her chanting down with deportations. Well bring you the tape. Carley Hundreds Of Drag Racers terrorizing philadelphia, vandalizing cars and charging at cops. You of watch ing fox and friens first, im carley shimkus. Todd and im todd piro. Go to Madeleine Rivera for the latest on the White House race. Madeleine speech for former President Trump today. Today hes expected to talk about plans to woo foreign whoo foreign companies to move to the u. S. 15 corporate tax for companies who make their product in the u. S. And cut Energy Costs in half. He criticized Kamala Harris for supporting nationwide ban on fracking in 2019. Kamalas vicious attack on pennsylvania energy, youre under attack. If anybody here believes that she will