ceo dave mccormick are neck and neck. unfortunately we won t have resolution tonight. but we can see the path ahead, we can see victory ahead, and it is because of you. so thank you, pennsylvania. when all the votes are tallied, i m confident that we will win. and i want to thank other individuals who are unbelievably close friends, made a big difference in my life, always there at every moment. let s start with 45, president trump. president trump after he endorsed me continued to lean into this race in pennsylvania. it is a key contest not just for the candidates but also for former president trump. as you heard there from dr. oz, trump pushing to consolidate his control of the republican party with his endorsement of dr. oz only to see some of that influence syphoned away by kathy barnette. she experienced a last minute surge in the polls drawing support from some of those suspicious of oz s ideological shifts. and on the democratic side on the pennsylvania senate ra