As of July 2022, uncertainty persists as waves of SARS-CoV-2 continue to emerge. Over time, new virus variants arise and threaten to reduce the impact of existing vaccine efforts. There is a clear need for strategies to both tackle emerging variants,
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Three regional Alzheimer Society chapters will be unifying in July to provide better support for people living with dementia and their care partners.
As of July 1, Alzheimer Society chapters in Oxford, Elgin-St. Thomas, London and Middlesex will become Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners.
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Try refreshing your browser. Three regional Alzheimer Society chapters will unify in July Back to video
The Walk for Alzheimer’s, a signature fundraiser for the Alzheimer Society of Oxford, will keep its local flavour.
“We’re still keeping it local,” said Shelley Green, who will become the Director of People & Culture – Oxford Lead.