that point, megyn, i have to tell you, this is not good. i asked them directly, could someone have gone through that screen? no, no, no. you asked them and what do they tell you? megyn: we are going to play that exchange right after this break. look, every day we re using more and more energy.
yeah. but there s no way that anybody could have got in. megyn: so the last time you saw your daughter alive in your home was when you put her down at 6:40? right. when i put her down, yeah. megyn: and the last time you saw her alive was when? was at, um, at 5:20 when i had left for work. megyn: jeremy, what s your reaction to hearing this back and forth about deborah drinking and being drunk and not and blacking out and not remembering everything that happened the night that lisa disappeared? i don t really have much of a reaction. i mean, regardless of what, how much she was drinking or if she was drunk or if she supposedly blacked out or whatever, it doesn t change who you are and what you do. megyn: and it doesn t end there. what was the question that deborah failed on her police
the van wasn t in the driveway. they will look to say, they will do searches and go through the records and see if there is any registered sex offenders. all so it s very bold and braise on go to a house like that to steal a baby. so it has to be somebody from the area knows that baby is there. megyn: you saw how close the house are. across the street also close. are you telling me in the middle of the night someone would go up, houses right next and jimmy the window and jump through. is it possible? it s possible. maybe this mother is just admitting to you she blacked out. maybe she blacks out every night for what we know. i m not saying that. maybe somebody else knows that. there is a window of opportunity there. they know perhaps she is
but she d been kind of fussy, and i just decided to put her down. megyn: in three minutes, judge jeneane and a police detective look over the evidence. herman cain taking the lead in some polling, we think, for the first time. whether the cain train is moving full speed ahead or about to derail. let me tell you something else before i go through there about being in the top tier of the candidates. can y all see that big bull s eye on many my back? [laughter] [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that s a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. jeanine pirro ills. the day is done but hang on. her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] get an aleve coupon in this sunday s paper.
megyn: brand-new polling results on herman cain. according to new numbers from rasmussen reports, for the first time the form godfather s pizza is leading in a hypothetical matchup with president obama. but critics say a lack of cash and weak organization and lack of desire could derail the cain train. here are the candidates on the sunday talk show circuit. you raids $2.6 million. is that enough to go the distance? it s not enough to go the distance. message is more powerful than money. the $2.8 million we reported didn t the report didn t say no debt. and we have $1.3 million on hands as of the end of september. but within the last two weeks, this is another thing we put out there. we rated $2 million.