with almost apologies. we only heard about this fan on high with your interview, the interviews this past weekend. all of a sudden maybe she didn t hear it because her fan was too high. and then when i asked them about the dog, i said, don t you have a dog in the backyard? jeremy comes in and and he says, well, the dog was in the back. megyn, you saw that house, it s no more than 20 feet deep. megyn: and there s another dog right next door, and their fence comes up to the front of the irwin house. it s not like it s way far back. what s happening here, pat? you ve within around the block. what s happening here? i think what we have is complicity on part of one or both parents, and i think from the continued, intelligent, unrelenting, very relevant and pertinent inquiries from the fbi, state police, private investigators, local authorities, they re getting worn down the same way a beach wears down from erosion. it s wearing down. megyn: it s hard to tell the
megyn: with the country s $14 trillion in federal debt, questions are being raised about president obama s new request to have congress send another $35 billion in aid to local communities. in an effort to get americans back to work, the president says. the move comes after his $447 billion jobs bill failed, and now mr. obama is trying a different piecemeal approach. in the coming weeks, we ll have them vote on the other parts of the jobs bill; putting construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads and bridges, providing tax cuts for small businesses that hire our veterans. megyn: but this is not the first spending package the white house has used to try to jolt the economy. president obama s 2009 stimulus bill included the largest transfer of federal funds to states in u.s. history, more than $150 billion.
a dangerous thing. 1% of all americans are responsible for 100% of americans problems? that s what he promised no to commit when he campaigned for president. let me respond to two things. on the racial fronts i didn t hear the racial aspect. megyn: don t put it on me, sir. this is back from the politico piece where they are quoting president obama suggesting that s racial bias. if that the example they are citing, i think clearly kids who are minority kids who live especially in the big cities knows the schools aren t work for them and we do have to make everybody in the country knows we have to make a biggest to reform urban education. tucker s point wait a second they eliminated school choice in d.c. it s just an argument how to do
was pulled from the twisted metal. he was airlifted to university medical center in las vegas. news of his death spreading about two hours later. the 33-year-old s wife and two young children were by his side. here is wheldon s father-in-law reacting. he wasn t just a great driver, but he was a great human being. he was always a very, very positive, always had something good to say about everybody and very polite as, i guess, all englishman are, but he was specifically to polite. and i just can t believe that he s no longer with us. reporter: now, safety concerns were, apparently, raised prior to this race. it was a packed field, 34 cars, one more than the indy 500. and some of the drivers had mentioned that it was too crowded out there and that they were driving too fast, so it is entirely possible that some rules and regulations in this very dangerous sport could now be changed in the wake of this challenge. megyn: casey casey steegal,
inconsistencies coming late in the game. she was able to give you information that the police didn t even have in the questioning that you did. the fact that she has changed her story with respect to the time line and the last time she saw the child is significant. the fact that she admitted to be completely intoxicated, over five glasses of wine, that s significant. that s information that should have been give to the police right away. megyn: you don t know if she didn t tell the police she was drunk. but we know the police are saying she put the baby down at 10:30 and now she is saying i don t remember doing that. why didn t she tell the police and we don t know whether she did. but if she didn t, that s suspicious. why didn t she tell them. yes, i had that much to drink, i may have been blacked out. megyn: how does memory usually work? if you asked me what i did two weeks ago. i don t know if i would tell you the same story over and over.