August’s Nature Happenings
Let’s see, how many Augusts have I lived through? Well, let’s just say, more than half a century of them. My focus is not on aging, but what I learned to expect from nature .
All spring, until July 4, a robin sang from a maple tree beginning before dawn and lasting much of the morning. I’m not sure he took time to eat for hours.
In hindsight, I wish I’d have logged how ma.
I’m sure you know my passion for learning more, and experiencing everything about nature. And of course, birds. I’ll never reach the life list numbers of my fellow birder, Dave Hawk (634) but I will a.
If you recall, last June, Yellowstone National Park experienced unprecedented flooding from heavy thunderstorms, rapid snow melt, and then extensive damage to roads and bridges. The park had to close .
Snakes are not always a favorite subject for those who read my column but they are part of the web of life. I hope to help you identify those you may find this summer. There are 14 species here in the.