Spring weather arrives one day, and seems to leave the next.
But eventually as April arrives, the “days get longer” and the flowers, birds, and even the insects are everywhere.
About the time coltsfoo.
The nighttime hours of April 14 brought rain and a thunderstorm, but to me it also meant a frontal passage.
It seems, that just overnight, many new bird species arrived in our region.
I ventured to .
“Hey Barry, you haven’t visited for a while so why don’t you make the drive out here and as a bonus, we can catch the solar eclipse.”
My sister Jamie and her husband live about 30 minutes north of Pit.
In the next four or five weeks, my Carbon County bird list will swell from 60 to about 150 or more birds. The tropics have held our warblers, tanagers, flycatchers, etc., through winter and they are o.
It’s January, we’re snug and warm in our homes, mostly oblivious to what’s happening outside in the cold Times News region. Sure, I just complained about my little changing bird list, but there really.