dr. john eastman, you re a constitutional employee pert. this is really a rejection by the democratat party and the mea and the rest of them. rejection of the 2016 election isn t it? i think so. they still can t believe they lost that election and they re trying to rationalize there must have been something nefarious in order to produce it but let s put it in historical context. i think we ve confronted a situation like this three times in ournk nation s history. 1,800, first time there was a change of power, one party to another, jefferson defeated adams, took him a while but adams finally handed the baton over. but that was brutal and there were multiple votes in the house of representatives and finally, hamilton throws in support to jefferson who he can t stand but he can t stand john adams even more. right. the second time in our history this happened that was not the
made it one.il that is problematic. no, no, no, let me finish. thomas jefferson, who is by all means regarded by the conservative movement, who has said our greatest liberty is the freedom of the press. and that liberty could diety without it. i think we should heed the wise words of one of ournk nation s founders. don t you think? jesse: the only thing would i say is, the american people did not elect thomas jefferson. they wanted to elect a guy all about decorum they would have elected mitt romney. the majority of americans also didn t vote for him as well. we have to realize that. ashleigh, let mike get in here. the problem, ashleigh, i don t mean it personal, are you re a never-trumper. i was and he can prove me wrong, but he needs to be held accountable. at the end of the day, you guys who were opposed to donald trump are still anguished