movement. only change will be worse not better. look at this january 6 event. how the washington establishment, media. democratat party, democrats in congress, academia have all joined together, same people that pushed russia collusion,io same people that pushed impeachment and tried to delegittize president trump. theyl tell us january 6 is the greatest threat to america since the civil war. that is a flat out lie. the greatest threat to america is the democrat party. whether it is slavery ore is gegation or jim crow or democratic socialism or american marxism. they want to destroy nationalize our electoral system, to turn the country to california and republics
dr. john eastman, you re a constitutional employee pert. this is really a rejection by the democratat party and the mea and the rest of them. rejection of the 2016 election isn t it? i think so. they still can t believe they lost that election and they re trying to rationalize there must have been something nefarious in order to produce it but let s put it in historical context. i think we ve confronted a situation like this three times in ournk nation s history. 1,800, first time there was a change of power, one party to another, jefferson defeated adams, took him a while but adams finally handed the baton over. but that was brutal and there were multiple votes in the house of representatives and finally, hamilton throws in support to jefferson who he can t stand but he can t stand john adams even more. right. the second time in our history this happened that was not the