In the last 24 hours, India has logged a total of 10,112 new cases of coronavirus, a 17 per cent decline. Scroll down to know all the other COVID developments in the country.
Covid-19 update: India logs 2,628 cases, 18 deaths - Covid-19 update: An increase of 443 cases has been recorded in the active Covid-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours.
Amid the fourth Covid-19 wave threat in India, 24 students in Goa’s BITS PILANI tested positive for the coronavirus over the last few days and the online classes have been resumed.
Covid-19 4th wave: 24 students test positive at Goa s BITS Pilani campus - Located in the South Goa district, there are around 2,800 students on the BITS Pilani campus.
Extending the ongoing COVID-19 guidelines for 1 more month till September 30, Home Secretary Bhalla said that the overall situation now appears to be largely stable,except for the localized spread.