As drought conditions have withered crops and reduced pasture across much of western Oklahoma, many cattle producers have been confronted with prospects of selling off animals to cut losses.
Drought that descended over western Oklahoma last fall has persisted to the point that harvests of winter wheat may be down by as much as 50% this year, farmers and state officials say.
Credit Brian Bull / KLCC
OSU Extension Fire Program Manager Carrie Berger said she’s offered these workshops before. But after an historically bad fire season in Oregon, she’s already seen a sixfold increase in the number of people registered.
“I see an uptick in people just wanting to protect themselves and be prepared, and ready, and informed, she said.
The webinars are meant to help residents in potential fire zones work with their community to reduce the risk of wildfire. That could include everything from creating defensible spaces around buildings to knowing the ins and out of how to safely evacuate. Berger said the series will be recorded and posted online for later viewing.