Shares of MTAR Technologies ended 0.19 per cent to Rs 1896.90 on Monday against the previous close of Rs 1893.25 on BSE. The stock has been gaining for last two days.
Plutus Wealth bought 13.15 lakh shares in the precision engineering company at an average price of Rs 1,880.02 per share through open market transactions on June 5
MTAR Technologies stock rose 5.42% to Rs 2,000.75 against the previous close of Rs 1897.80 on BSE. The midcap stock has gained 39.18% in a year and risen 23.77% in 2023.
STAr Technologies, a leading manufacturer of semiconductor test probe cards, unveiled the new 3D/2.5D MEMS micro-cantilever probe card for WAT reliability testing. The Virgo-Prima Series probe card is designed and delivered for nanometer technology node process with extent performance beyond any known solutions in the test industry market.