By Hiran H. Senewiratne The CSE fell 0.24 per cent in mid-morning trade yesterday while mixed reactions were noted in both indices due to profit- takings by investors. However, net foreign inflows reported year to date were more than Rs 5.7 billion. The company with the largest market capitalization, Expolanka Holdings, saw the bulk of […]
By Hiran H.Senewiratne SG Holdings bought into Expolanka Holdings’ stocks to boost the net foreign inflow at the CSE, market analysts said.CSE ‘s most profitably listed entity, Expolanka Holdings, saw 11.1 million of its shares change hands via 923 trades for Rs. 2.5 billion. Among the transactions, there were 53 crossings involving 10 million shares […]
September 8, 2022 (LBO) - The parent of Expolanka (EXPO), SG Holdings, continues to scoop up shares in Sri Lanka's largest market cap company.
The previous trading session on Wednesday witnessed foreign buying in the shares of EXPO amounting to approximately Rs2bn. Most of the shares were traded
Sri Lanka stocks gained on Wednesday (07) to its highest in more than five months in high turnover while net foreign inflows recorded its peak in over three years led by market heavyweight Expolanka, brokers said.
September 5, 2022 (LBO) - SG Holdings, the parent company of Sri Lanka's largest listed company Expolanka, has aggressively bought shares of (EXPO) during the past few days.
According to discosures at the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), SG holdings has over the last few days bought over Rs1bn worth