The Facebook (now Meta) owned messaging platform has been warning these users for a long time. WhatsApp stops service for phones running on version lower than Android OS 4.1, iOS 10, and KaiOS 2.5.1 operating system. While that’s sad news for some, not many should be worried.
Updated: April 27, 2021 8:35 AM IST
Apple has started rolling out the most-anticipated iOS update dubbed iOS 14.5 for iPhone users worldwide starting Monday, April 26, 2021. The latest iOS update brings along some privacy improvements to Apple’s operating system and app ecosystem – App Tracking Transparency. Also Read - Apple rolls out iOS, iPadOS, tvOS 14.6 public beta ahead of WWDC 2021
The iOS update also comes with support for AirTags, announced at the Apple Spring Loaded even earlier this month. In addition, the iOS 14.5 software update brings a feature that all iPhone users have been eagerly waiting for, FaceID with mask support. Also Read - Apple s AirDrop has a security flaw that can reveal your personal data