And working in conjunction with bart to see if theres a way a joint line can be done those are some of my thoughts on the issues. Commissioner johnson. Thank you, thank you very much for this presentation ill excited about next week i appreciate all the information we got toy and except for today that was supposed to be last week and for next week im is a starting to digging than moving forward some of the other available plans on mta website and a lot of great material since i asked for the hearing for a while i will have just. Couple of questions and comments and hopefully be able to focus for next week and not take two much time why did he personally think this is important so you mention that the mta has a big team that works on larger projects to make sure their integrated into the planning process ive seen it offhand on the Hunters Point team and mta really was ive seen how mta was super involved and how land use and transportation amongst other topics really went hand in hand i
Forward some of the other available plans on mta website and a lot of great material since i asked for the hearing for a while i will have just. Couple of questions and comments and hopefully be able to focus for next week and not take two much time why did he personally think this is important so you mention that the mta has a big team that works on larger projects to make sure their integrated into the planning process ive seen it offhand on the Hunters Point team and mta really was ive seen how mta was super involved and how land use and transportation amongst other topics really went hand in hand i remember all of the new York Police Departments around when there was supposed to be a 49ers stadium and what that traffic looks like and the bart was supposed to go through there bypass dog patch not bypass it impacted so the transit hub is here the stadium the housing going over there in any transition from occ they continued and i got to the Planning Commission i know the mta continue
You read the newspaper in his other life hes a geologist and on another argument this was too costly and too time consuming and would eat up the resources of the planning staff. That argument was made previously and i think that this commission should not take into account if its something 3 needs to be done the Mayors Office will make it happen thank you any other member of the public wish to speak. Seeing none, well close and bring it back to commission. Ill leadoff. At first blush i was hesitating on adding the process, however, thinking about it and the length of time to get to the board of appeals and the amen of time between a project starting and finishing the board of appeals i mean, i think they would not be experts in the field to make sdergsz i think it might go sideways. Bringing it back to the eshthsz r o strengthens the case and would cause folks hesitation on going to the board of appeals if the e r o confirms their decision. I believe this would be a benefit to the proc
Comment first year i think at any time highly problematic so have a mechanism whereby you appeal you have to use the Building Permit to that address the environmental officer. In that case you can delay the process every longer because you can wait until the actual permit t is issued. So if thats the last approval then i have a mechanism to rely on in that respect by appealing the Building Permit itself but to use the permit as an excuse to royal the decision by the environmental officer is problematic. And with respect to the integrity of the planning staff and city departments and everything. Id like to remind everyone that the city lost the case on the bicycling plan and the judge ruled it had to be back for an vial report and the city lost the Housing Element eir so its not also the case the city makes the correct distressing. Tim collins said i dont know if you read the newspaper in his other life hes a geologist and on another argument this was too costly and too time consuming a
Im even sure its appropriate for me to be saying anything. A couple of of issues that are okay to say that doesnt concern directly the proposals before you but some things that have been said with the board of appeals i agree with the past comment first year i think at any time highly problematic so have a mechanism whereby you appeal you have to use the Building Permit to that address the environmental officer. In that case you can delay the process every longer because you can wait until the actual permit t is issued. So if thats the last approval then i have a mechanism to rely on in that respect by appealing the Building Permit itself but to use the permit as an excuse to Royal Decision by the environmental officer is problematic. And with respect to the integrity of the planning staff and city departments and everything. Id like to remind everyone that the city lost the case on the bicycling plan and the judge ruled it had to be back for an vial report and the city lost the Housin