For more than 100 years, companies and private landowners in the United States have drilled tens of millions of wells to extract oil and gas. When oil and gas wells reach the end of.
Abandoned and orphaned wells have been found in a variety of locations. The United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Dataset calculated 117,672 wells across 27 states. There are many environmental concerns associated with these wells.
Throughout New Mexico, there are thousands of oil and gas wells that have not produced in years but remain unplugged. One area with a high concentration of these sites is the Horseshoe Gallup field, located in the Hogback area west of the San Juan Generating Station in San Juan County. Environmental advocates have identified hundreds […]
The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee passed a bill on Wednesday that would direct $7.95 billion to cleaning up abandoned oil and natural gas wells across the country. The Orphaned…