We have to resonate with courage. Ainsley i dont think i have spoke to one woman who has not shed tears because We Weeing Wht what those girls are going through. Tears are helpful. Fear is not healthy. Tears are healthy. Ainsley dr. Siegel, thanks for coming on. Good to see you. Good to see you. Ainsley second hour of fox friends starts right now. Steve it is 2 00 in the arch in gaza city and a fox news alert. Happening right now the Idf Respondingresponding with artilk fire after antitank missiles were fired at israeli post near the northern lebanese border. Brian this after Israeli Forces blasting 200 jihad and targets overnight including four suspected terrorists attempt together cross the lebanese border. Ainsley iran warning israel to stand down or face retaliation if they go through with a second or if they go through with this Ground Invasion they talked about on the gaza strip. Lets check in with trey yingst who is on the ground in Southern Israel. Trey, whats the latest . Hey,
Plan had not yet come to fruition. Our first report is from our Political Correspondent, hannah miller. Applause. Labour won mayors, councils, and police and crime commissioners. Rishi sunak left clinging on to just one mayor in the tees valley. Even his majority diminished. This morning, the former home secretary, and one of the Prime Ministers biggest critics, warned of a total wipe out for the conservatives. I despair at these terrible results. Theres no spinning these results, theres no disguising the fact that these have been terrible Election Results for the conservatives and they suggest that we are heading to a labour government. Her prescription for the pm. He needs to actually lower taxes in a way that people will feel, not tweaking round the edges. If he is serious about migration, he needs to put a cap on illegal migration, he needs to take us out of the European Convention on human rights. In defeat, the now former conservative mayor of the West Midlands, andy street, said
Lets speak to our scotland Political Correspondent, jenni davidson. Jennl jenni, for those of us that dont follow the Politics Of Scotland that much, who is this activist . Follow the Politics Of Scotland that much, who is this activist . Well, he has a bit of much, who is this activist . Well, he has a bit of a much, who is this activist . Well, he has a bit of a track much, who is this activist . Well, he has a bit of a track record much, who is this activist . Well, he has a bit of a track record of has a bit of a track record of challenges to the snp leadership. He is a former lawyer. Last year he stood against former snp msp and former government minister mike russell for the snp presidency. And quite memorably, he also described the snps Independence Policy as flatulence in a trance, whatever that might mean im not quite sure. So we have been Hearing Reports in the last couple of days that Graeme Mccormick is planning to challenge john swinney for the snp leadership. It had looke
It is once again going to feel pretty warm. I will have all of the details very shortly. Its sunday the fifth of may. Good morning to you. Our main story the conservatives have suffered a significant defeat in the West Midlands after losing the regions Mayoral Election to labour. In the closely fought race, andy street, who was seeking a third term in office, lost out to Richard Parker, by a margin ofjust over 1500 votes. The result had been seen as pivotal for Rishi Sunakfollowing One of his partys worst ever performances in this weeks local elections. Our Political Correspondent Damian Grammaticas reports. Parker, richard labour and co operative party, 225590. It was a result that will send a shudder through conservatives. Street, andrew, the Conservative Party candidate, 224082. Labour victorious in the west midland mayoral race by 1508 votes a tiny margin in a region of 2 Million People. One of the conservatives high profile metro mayors andy street toppled. The Labour Leader was t