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We have to resonate with courage. Ainsley i dont think i have spoke to one woman who has not shed tears because We Weeing Wht what those girls are going through. Tears are helpful. Fear is not healthy. Tears are healthy. Ainsley dr. Siegel, thanks for coming on. Good to see you. Good to see you. Ainsley second hour of fox friends starts right now. Steve it is 2 00 in the arch in gaza city and a fox news alert. Happening right now the Idf Respondingresponding with artilk fire after antitank missiles were fired at israeli post near the northern lebanese border. Brian this after Israeli Forces blasting 200 jihad and targets overnight including four suspected terrorists attempt together cross the lebanese border. Ainsley iran warning israel to stand down or face retaliation if they go through with a second or if they go through with this Ground Invasion they talked about on the gaza strip. Lets check in with trey yingst who is on the ground in Southern Israel. Trey, whats the latest . Hey, guys, moments ago, there were Air Raid Sirens sounding in the central part of israel. An indication that 11 days into this conflict, hamas and Islamic Jihad are still able to fire on Major Population Centers here. I ask the Israeli Military about in this morning because its significant there have been thousands of airstrikes against different hamas positions inside gaza. Yet, skill they are able to get these rockets off. So far since last saturday, 6500 rockets have been fired into the jewish state. And it comes as you have noted as tension rises on the northern border. We will get to that. First listen to the another of one of the hostages. Overnight a video was released by hamas, a Hostage Video showing an injured israeli, a young girl from Southern Israel who was taken by the group into the gaza strip. Take a listen to her mother. Yesterday, i saw my babies on television i saw she is alive. She was shot through her shoulder. I see she has been operation. She looks very terrified and begging the world to bring my baby back home. This was a civilian, her daughter was enjoying time at a Music Festival when she was kidnapped by these terrorists and taken back into the gaza strip. We should also note that as this is happening, there are families desperately looking for any information they can on their loved ones that were taken. We are heading now, its part of the reason we are in the car once again with the Israeli Military into the areas where these massacres took place to try to investigate and get more information about what exactly unfolded last saturday. I do want to shift our attention to the north though. There are more threats from the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah. 17 Mortar Shells were fired into northern israel. Two additional antitank guided missiles injuring soldiers in the north. There is a real sense that israel has to be prepared to develop into a multi front conflict. Part of the reason according to reports that the israelis are taking their time before launching this Ground Invasion into gaza. Its not a question of if but rather when. They also need to understand that hezbollah could launch a major attack on northern israel once they enter and they need to brace for that possibility. Back to you. Brian trey, just from the people you have talked to before, after seven and a half hour meeting between the americans as well as the israelis, i guess coming up with tactics. Evidently israel was feeling pressured by the u. S. To come up with some disciple of aid package and as soon as they announced it and gave in, thats when the president agreed to come. He would not have come without that. How true is that on the ground to the officials that you talked to. Are we actually calling the shots and pressuring them already . There is definitely pressure to get aid into the gaza strip. That is clear. And there are also conversations going on behind the scenes without getting into too much of the operational things that we know because these are very, very sensitive topics. We do have information that there are conversations taking place to, one, try to rescue the hostages but, two, try to get the foreign nationals that are inside gaza out. Remember, there are palestinian americans. U. S. Citizens that were inside gaza visiting family members. Maybe working as aid workers in this area who are still there trying to get out. So there is a lot of moving parts to this. But the americans have been very clear, they want to make sure the Palestinian People inside gaza who are not members of hamas or Islamic Jihad have the aid that they need to survive as they move south ahead of an expected Israeli Ground operation. Ainsley trey, after the War In Afghanistan there were so many people trying to get out and so many wonderful organizations went in to help rescue people. In this case, what is it like there . Do americans want to leave . Because im reading that the state department, they offered 4,000 seats on u. S. Government Chartered Transport by air and by sea to u. S. Citizens. Buff the flights have been generally just half capacity or less. Yeah. Absolutely. People are not really flying outs of israel like they were before. Many Western Airlines have canceled their flights to and from israel because its simply too dangerous. Hamas continues to fire on the airport here. Some are going to ha haifa and. Others are crossing the jordanian border and going to oman and flying back to the United States. The United States government is urging americans not just to evacuate the south but to evacuate the entire country of israel it. Raises the question about what the americans think is going to happen next. And every indication is that its not good. It is going to be very difficult week ahead and the days after that will likely see significant Ground Fighting in gaza. But also that northern border is the critical question here about what takes place. The tension is high. There is a lot of propaganda from the iranians about what they will order and what will happen to the israelis. We have got look at the facts on the ground and what we know. What we know is there have been Cross Border Attacks with antitank guided missiles and small arms. Also mortar fire and rocket fire. They are not yet using those precision guided missiles that they do have that have been smuggled in by iran that they could use if they want to if this escalate to target population centers. Lawrence hamas released a statement infrared saying that they will release all the foreign nationals when the climate changes. Can you give us any insight in that . The quote was actually that they would be free when conditions allow. So, what do you make of that . I dont make a lot of it. I have been talking to hamas officials in gaza city Every Single Day over text message. And even on the phone. And pretty much theyre lying about the entire situation. They say they are not targeting civilians, their orders were not to go into israel and kill civilians. We know thats not true. They lie about a lot. Thats why we are very careful about the numbers we give you from inside gaza. They are telling us there is a higher number of hostages. We have to go with what we know and can confirm through the Israeli Military. The number of families that have been notified. When they say they are willing to release all of the foreign hostages. You would raise the question why havent they done it yet. They talk a lot and release a lot of propaganda. What we can confirm on the ground they are not actually serious about this offer. Steve sure. Trey, to the point about the hostages, and you talked a little bit about that first Hostage Video, which the idf refers to as saying it is psychologic terror. Why would hamas put that video of that young woman pleading for her life out now . Is it either, clearly propaganda. But is it either to show, hey, were taking care of the hostages or you dont want to blow up the building she is in . Leverage. They want leverage over the israelis. They have almost nothing left. They have some rockets in their stockpile. They have a group of fighters who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the ideology that they believe is doing the correct thing. Its all about leverage though. The only leverage that hamas and Islamic Jihad have right now is those hostages. And they will continue to release this type of propaganda to a, pretend like they are taking care of these people and, b, try to get the israelis to stop what appears to be a massive Ground Operation in the works. So, those are the otwo things we need to think about when hamas does this. But, overall, when we talk about what is taking place here, the concern is that iran will get involved. We dont have an indication that this threat is eminent yet. We just see a lot of propaganda and statements by the iranians. But, remember, next to hezbollah, hamas is the second largest proxy of iran in the middle east. The iranians have an interest to keep hamas alive. The israelis say they are going to go into gaza and destroy both the military and government wing of hamas. They tell us that the sources were talking with in gaza city will be dead by the end of this operation. They are very serious about that. We just got back from talking with a group of soldiers who say they are prepared to go in and battle hamas to the end. And so thats the plan for the israelis. Brian so, trey, what you are saying. Trey and we understand this is going to move forward. Brian iran feels pretty good they got two proxies and great prestige israel now could actually take the gloves off and they might and they have the capability of wiping them both out. Ruining their plan of surrounding israel with proxy forces. They could certainly wipe out hamas. When we talk about the gaza strip, they dont have unlimited supply of rockets or weapons it. Would take a long time and there would be israeli casualties. We understand the plan for the israelis is to enter the gaza strip on the ground and conduct weeks, if not months long operation to completely destroy and degrade hamas. Thats one thing. The other thing is hezbollah. If they try to destroy hezbollah at that level, there will be a massive ground war in the middle east at the iranians certainly could get involved. In we are talking about thousands of precision guided missiles fired into the jewish state. It will overhem israels air Defense System and there will be casualties among soldiers and civilians in the north. Those are two separate issues. The first one likely to happen. That is the plan we understand on the ground. The second one israeli officials are trying to avoid. They understand that a ground war with Southern Lebanon and the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah will lead to a massive, massive, loss of life in israel. Its something if they can avoid and simply take care of gaza they will do that first and try to stop this from entering into multi front conflict. Steve he is on move right now in Southern Israel. Trey, thank you very much. Stay safe. So, lawrence, there you are on the roof of our bureau down in our nations capital. You got to chat with some kids at georgetown yesterday, right . Lawrence yeah. You know, before i joined channel, i used to run Campus Reform which we had College Reporters all over the country on College Campuses. So i knew that there was indoctrination taking place on College Campuses. But i didnt know it was so pervasive. Yesterday, i went back to georgetown to talk with some students about the conflict. I was truly mystified with what they had to say. Lets watch it. Do you feel like israel is the aggressor in this situation . If we stop if we take a step back before the hamas attack, i think has a lot to be condemned about. They have been doing masters for decades. I hold responsible the israel state they have been increasing their Military Occupation in gaza and they have been treating the people in gaza like they are not humans. Regarding your questions about Bee Heading Babies and raping women, i dont think thats true because i didnt even see any glimpse of footage or document showing that. As you probably heard there has been like a spread of misinformation. Lawrence you feel like its disinformation. Yes, definitely. I havent read enough about whether or not these images are true. I know that there are a lot of reports that these are false and this is misinformation. This is disinformation. Lawrence that the babies were bee headed . Yeah. Lawrence where are they getting that from though . I am not sure. I think there has been like a. I. Generated images i have heard have been used by Israeli Forces but i dont know. I dont know whats going on. Steve so artificial intelligence, thats where the stuff is coming from . Lawrence you know, ainsley, our job as reporters is to cover the story and not be a part of the story. But, i have to really keep my cool as im interviewing these young people and im saying to myself where did we go wrong . Is it the College Professors feeding them this crap, letting them know that its all about hamilton right now and not about the israeli people . I mean, essentially some of them said that israel created this climate and so they deserve whats happening to them right now. Its crazy. Ainsley hamas is sending out these pictures on the New York Post, the cover of the New York Post over the weekend. They have pictures holding the babies. I mean, they are sending out these videos. They just sent out a video of one of the hostages. That young lady, her name is mya shim, 21 years old. Kidnapped from the nova Music Festival. She is telling her parents i want to go home. They are treating me well but i want to go home as soon as possible. They are releasing that video. This is not made up. We see the video. We talk to trey yingst, one of our reporters has gone into these homes and seen with his own two eyes. We he have seen a lot of images, do they think that the lady who is wearing those gray sweatpants and thrown out of the car and into the backseat she just has ketchup all over her . She is covered in blood. Do they think these are actors . Lawrence they feel like hamas is being made to be the enemy here. Justified right now. Brian, they also you know when i talk to maybe they dont have a Brian Kilmeade or a parent at home to educate them about the holocaust and everything, but they dont understand the history as well. There is a huge Information Gap on the College Campuses with these young people and they will say i feel for the israel people but this. Its always but israel. They cant completely stand with israel. Brian the problem is with the no one believes anything they see in the news anymore, number one. Number two, you have a situation to counter this is that they are wearing go pros. They are out there. They are putting these pictures out themselves. So go on your hamas website that obviously fuels this and just say ask them. If you ask them a series of questions. They will say they did this massacre. Ainsley they are proud of it. Brian they are proud of the operation. They talked about the training went into it. They show breaking through the fence. They talked about how it lasted longer and breached nine Different Military bases and they were able to do more and do more damage and more carnage than they ever dreamed possible. They have their own leader speaking about it. So these people are unconvincible. And its sad because they are 18 to 21. This is the next generation. Lawrence thats right, brian. You hit it on the head. You know, at large our country is standing with israel but if we dont wake up and take back the College Campuses and actually i think some of these kids need to be deprogrammed, okay with the disinformation they have been fed from College Campuses. We wont have allies that is going to stabbed with israel. You need to talk with your children and make sure you know what they are being taught on College Campuses. It also goes to the larger point that the parents are paying for this education. You cant fund this. They have professors on College Campuses that are openly calling for jihad proudly. And they are education your kids. That should not happen in america. Brian cornell has this professor Ruffle Rickford came out and celebrated the attack said its energizing. We know the University Of Pennsylvania same thing they would not condemn the attacks. On colombia this joseph my sad 44,000 signatures to get him fired but talked about whether a great day this is for hamas. Not just taking it from the internet. They are taking a lot of this stuff from professors and losing donations because of it. The huntsman family said im no longer giving money to the University Of Pennsylvania because you wont condemn the attacks. We know harvard is losing some too as well as yale and columbia. Will. Steve all you got to do is tune in the tv there is a war in gaza right now. How would you folks in tv land like to join Fox Corporation and support the israeli fund in association with the united jewish appeal. Scan the qr code right there or donate at uja fed ny. Org. Brian i think i read a poll only 43 of the Democratic Party views israel positively. Thats the problem. Lawrence unreal. Ainsley crazy. That is unreal. They need to read their bibles. Brian thats why President Trump said what he said if you are a member of the Jewish Community, why would you vote democrat . Theyre trying to abandon israel. Steve they should take a new poll and see how that breaks now you would hope it would be overwhelming. Lawrence thats a good point. Ainsley so many people watching fox news. They know we are proisrael. The republicans and democrats the majority at least. Steve carley joins us with news right now. Carley a massive manhunt comes to an end in belgium after Brussels Police shoot and kill a suspected terrorist overnight. Authorities say the suspect opened fire just before a Soccer Game Killing Two swedish nationals and wounding a taxi driver. He later identified himself as a member of the Islamic State in an online video. Prosecutors said nothing suggests the attack was lingered to the war between israel and hamas. And the new York Fire Department shuts down a Staten Island Migrant Shelter Yesterday due to safety concerns. Authorities say migrants were ordered to vacate st. John Villa Academy because the facility lacked the proper sprinkler and Fire Alarm System so hundreds of migrants were seen packing up their belongings and loading into vans and buses to be relocated. Happening today, House Republicans are hoping to elect a brand new speaker of the house at noon. Ohio congressman and House Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordan is the g. O. P. Nominee. And is he gaining momentum. Four republicans who initially opposed jordans bid now. 10 republicans will oppose him. He could lose the vote if more than four g. O. P. Members vote against him. So we will see what about there. But jim jordan, guys is up at bat today. Steve he is in a big way. Carley, thank you very much. You are very welcome. Steve we have a fox news alert. President biden is leaving for israel later today. He is going to meet with officials there tomorrow. A live report from the white house as israel prepares an historic offensive and iran continues to escalate the threats. Brian growing concerns around the Hostage Crisis in gaza. Ainsley experts say a Special Division of hamas called The Shadow Unit is likely hold the captives. Were going to ask an expert what this means for their safety and any potential rescue attempt. Thats next. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. My a1c was up here; now, its down with rybelsus®. His a1c . Its down with rybelsus®. My doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. 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Isnt that nice, who arrived in china overnight to talk about the belt and road program. Jacqui heinrich is live at the white house with the latest. Jacqui . Good morning to you guys. Secretary of state Antony Blinken announced the president s travel last night. Is he going to be leaving later on today, making his second trip to a war zone in his time in office. This time to israel to show the u. S. Support for israel and also what blinken called our ironclad commitment to their security he plans to underscore that israel not only has a right but a duty to defend itself against future attacks. But the second part of bidens message while he is in the region is going to be directed toward other regional actors, listen. President biden will underscore our Crystal Clear message to any actor, state or nonstate, trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel. Dont. To that end. He has deployed two Aircraft Carrier groups and other military assets to the region. Third, the president will continue to coordinate closely with our israeli partners to secure the release of hostages taken by hamas. But now russian president Vladimir Putin is also flexing his contact with regional actors. He spoke with the iranian president raisi before calling netanyahu to offer help in preventing what he called a humanitarian disaster. Putin offered his condolences over the death called for a truce. Steps taken by russia to help normalize the situation, prevent furthest can a labor relation of violence and prevent a catastrophe in the gaza strip reached agreement with israel seven hour meeting with blinken yesterday to get civilians out of harms way and allow aid to flow into gaza in such a way that they say will prevent mamsz from taking it, seizing it, or destroying it. The details on exactly how they are going to do that are a bit unclear right now. John kirby said this morning they made pretty Good Progress in that very long cabinet meeting, war cabinet meeting. But it is curious, you know that, russia is now getting so involved as you mentioned Vladimir Putin will be meeting with xi jinping today. Blinken had called chinas Foreign Minister a couple of days ago if you recall, trying to pressure them not to let iran get involved because china buys a lot of oil from iran. Has a lot of influence over iran. And russia has, of course, blamed u. S. Policies for creating conditions of this war in the middle east. So were watching this unfold now on a larger level and some concern, of course, that this could escalate and the u. S. Wanting to really be in touch with all of those actors who could play a role. Brian . Brian jacqui, is he an expert, Vladimir Putin on humanitarian disasters he knows how to cause them. Can he recognize them what he sees them. What a joke that is thank you so much, jacqui. Appreciate it . Thank you. Growing fears around the Hostage Situation in gaza as Authorities Say the number of captives in the hundreds. Special division of the tear group, its called The Shadow Unit may be in charge of guarding the hostages. What do we do about them now that we know about them. Lets ask the Senior Vice President for research for defense of democracies, jonathan chancellor. Doctor, thanks so much for joining us, your sense of the shadow group. Is it their version of the navy seals . Something revised code that organization been around for the better part of a decade. They have already been holding two israeli hostages as well as the remains of a couple Israeli Soldiers from 2014. The answer to what is known as the kassam bra gadz, the military wing of hamas led by a named Mohammed Daif number two or number three on the israeli Targeting List right now. I think there are real questions about the way they are going to be treating these hostages. Hamas is trying to show, i think really defying reality but they are trying to show they are taking care of these hostages by releasing some of these videos right now. But there is clearly an element of Psychological Warfare as well. Brian what is your reason for the delay . Are we doing this . Are we telling them to delay . Are we going to wait for the president to come here a delay. A bad side to delaying . Its a great question. I do think its going to be hard for the israelis to launch that Ground Invasion while biden is on the ground. We have seen reports that president macron out of france is also going to come visit. I dont know how much longer this can be delayed. Im sure the israelis are happy to allow the u. S. To try to work the phones and to engage in Shuttle Diplomacy to try to secure the release of 199 hostages. But i do have to wonder lou this looks in tehran. How this looks with hezbollah both of them are trying to determine whether israel and perhaps even the United States are serious about their warnings. Brian so the other theory would be theyre convinced hezbollah is coming in the minute they go south into gaza. And they have to be ready for it. It might be pure logistics militarily. How much credence should i put to those theories . No. I think its a good one. I think, you know, the israelis are certainly worried about opening up a Northern Front and you are right, the moment they put boots on the ground that, could be the moment that the north lights up. I think the israelis also have to be concerned about the possibility that there are surprises that hamas planned in the south when they go in. They knew that israel would have to go into the gaza strip after taking those hostages. So the question is what did iran, hamas top patron, what did iran provide hamas to prepare for this Ground Invasion . Brian so we know the Secretary Of State went to see King Abdullah and Fattah Head Assad and went to see mbs in saudi arabia. Almost no success. In egypt they got a lecture are we losing street cred or is this something on Antony Blinken he doesnt have the respect for from the people and is this linked to why the put is going . Look, whether they talked to the egyptian what is they are trying to do is open up a humanitarian corridor. The Politics Around this its just simply insane to watch. Everybody says they support the palestinian cause. But they are more than willing to allow for 2 million palestinians to remain in gaza knowing that israel has to go in. And so they are willing to sacrifice Palestinian People for the palestinian cause. Brian right. Egypt does not want to set up a refugee camp on their border, especially when some of them could be hamas cleanup is an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood who is still in their country creating havoc. Thanks so much, dr. Jonathan schanzer, appreciate your expertise. Any time. Brian the disturbing antiisraeli sentiment reaching new heights on College Campuses. So disturbing. Lawrence is back with our panel of proisrael, Israel College students next. Th ing go right sig can we get real clear about life with psoriasis . Yeah, im ready. Is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms . Like the coveritups and brushitoffs . Enough with good enoughs. Dont stay hiding or hurting. When your lotions and creams dont do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, its time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. Make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. This she■s a hero moment. Even today, only a quarter of Stem Graduates are women. Theyd go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is this preconception. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flip the script. 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Lawrence back with a live pick of the smoke over gaza as the war rages on. Here at home antiisrael rhetoric rising on College Campuses. Cornell professor calling hamas terror attack exhilarating. Petition to oust professors over similar remarks. Julia a georgetown law student. Michael, freshman at Georgetown University and lauren cayle, a junior at american university. Thank you so much for joining, again. Julie, i will go right back to you. You have got these professors, they have no shame. They are making it very clear where they stand. What is your reaction to some of those comments that we just played . I think anybody in the current Educational Society we live in who sympathizes with hamas calls them militants and justified resistance is directly threatening the mental and physical wellbeing of jewish students on campus its up to us to ask our universities to speak out and then when they refuse, to its up to us to be able to seek legal representation if need be. Im lucky im working with a project but our students dont feel safe. You know, michael, hamas is a terrorist organization i just wonder what the response would be if we had a professor that said they would stand with isis shouldnt we look at hamas the same way. When russia attacked ukraine there was almost universal support behind ukraine. You dont see the same thing with israel. The real problem is that its one thing to hear from a student. When a Student Group comes out its one of many opinions. When you hear from a professor students are afraid to speak out against that and a frayed to look at the real facts and story and form their within r. Within. This isolated event is this one or two College Professors or more pervasive than we know . Unfortunately, it is not isolated and it has been happening for years and years. Its now just been escalated. And now professors and students have justification if they want to call it that to just blare blatant antisemitism, and its really bad. Lawrence julia, we had mos that i shot yesterday on georgetown campus. And one of the students made it very clear that hamas is doing this because israel set this type of climate. What is your reaction to that . My reaction to that is that i did not think that jewish survival would be such controversial topic on our campus. This is not a provoked incident. This was a Terrorist Attack on civilian lives, on mexican lives, american lives, jewish lives european lives. Hostages around the world. And anybody who has been taken hostage is being put in this situation where theyre facing fear for their lives. This is not a provoked incident. Michael, there is protests all over the country. There was just a day of rage where people came in solidarity of hamas. Whats your reaction to that . Did you expect this to happen in america . No. Certainly not. It really have a fearful time just because as julia mentioned earlier, jewish students are no more than a few degrees away. Either we know somebody or knows somebody who knows somebody in recall have a. When israel hurts. Jewish people everywhere hurt. To the credit of the school, its Credit Community College Students Jsa Georgetown great place for students to get to place to light candles. A rallying around the Jewish Community at this time. Lawrence i want to thank you so much for joining me and being so strong on yalls College Campuses. I know its not easy to do it. But there is a lot of americans that stand with yall. Thank you all so much for joining the program this morning. Thank you. Lawrence coming up propalestinian protests erupt across the country from filly to the white house. As Squad Members Outrage with israel ceasefire resolution. We have a live report on the antisemitic rallies all across this country. Thats coming up. Personalized Financial Advice from Ameriprise St everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. Carley we will return to our breaking coverage of the war in israel but, first, we have headlines to get to. Starting with this. Washington state police are still looking for armed man caught on camera trying to break into a home in the seattle suburbs over the weekend. You could see him rush to the door with a gun in hand before attempting to destroy the homeowners ring doorbell camera. The homeowners fought off the man who eventually ran off. My goodness. The former Ftx Executive to criticized sam bankmans freed spending and lavish lifestyle. Great Diplomat Toe Ceo Spend Hundreds of millions of dollars on Celebrity Endorsements and real estate purchases jurors were even shown pictures of bankmanfried posing with stars like katy perry and Orlando Bloom at the super bowl. Those are your headlines, steve, over to you. Steve all right, carley, thank you very much. Carley you are welcome. Steve 270 americans stranded in israel are back home safe in the United States. They landed in tampa, florida on sunday night. This was the first chartered flight since Governor Ron Desantis in florida signed Executive Order to carry out rescue and evacuation operations for residents in israel. Our next guests were on that flight. And are relieved to be back home with their family. Florida Residents Ron and linda newman join us right now from florida. Good morning to both of you and welcome. Good morning. Steve welcome back. Thank you. Thank you. Its good to be home. Steve its good to have you. Ron, lets start with you. I know you were about 15 miles or minutes away from tel aviv. Tell us what it was like when this action with hamas started. When it started it was very early in the morning on shabbat. And we started hearing the bombs going off and then heard the loud sirens. We had safe room in our apartment. We went to the safe room and taken totally by surprise. There was a lot of bombardment. You could hear above our heads with the iron dome hitting the rockets it was pretty scary. It was not a good situation. We didnt know what was happening. Steve linda, i know you had been there about 18 months a year and a half at what point did you say you know, ron, we should get home. We should get out of here . The rockets kept coming. We were watching the news, seeing the news. I cant explain just a gut feeling i think we need to go home for a time anyway. We do love israel with all our hearts and we have friends that are family like family there and so but for right now there much you can do there right now except pray. Steve ron, the problem was you had apparently you made reservations on two flights. They were both canceled you were desperate. I understand you were praying all a lot. And then you heard about Project Dynamo and how the state of florida was flying people out. How did you get on that plane . It was an amazing miracle. I tried everything. I contacted the state department. I contacted the state of florida. Nobody was getting back with us. We felt like we were stranded as americans im a Vietnam Combat veteran. It was just a bad situation. So anyway, a friend of ours heard with project did dino. She texted me. I immediately got on the phone and spoke to olivia with Project Dynamo and they said we can get you on plane i said really . She said, yes. So she started asking us to fax pictures of our passports and everything. And then they ended up telling us they could get us on a plane leaving the very next morning and we were so excited, you know, we were not contacted by the white house. We felt stranded. It was a bad situation. I wanted to get my wife out of there. I have been through a war. Im glad im able to come home with her and im so thankful to Project Dynamo them getting us here its amazing. They are also run by veterans. They just amazing what they do. Its amazing. Steve absolutely the best. And, linda, so, your flights had been canceled. You were terrified to remain in israel so, when you sat down on that airplane bound for home, how did that feel . Its hard to explain. I was so thankful to god for all the prayers and for projected dino and, honestly, because of all that is going on over there now, i was just honing i wanted us to get up in the air beyond rocket strike. You know, most of us americans have never been through a war unless you are a veteran and they are our heroes. But i have never experienced that and its terrifying. And you feel out of control. It does cause you to trust god more Project Dynamo and part of it heroes. We have seen movies where the equalizer comes in and he takes care of everything, well, brian and Project Dynamo were our equalizer. We are so thankful. They are so wonderful. Steve when you landed in tampa, not only were you welcomed by Project Dynamo, there is Governor Desantis right there, ron. Right. Exactly. It was like shocking. You know, i mean like because im a vietnam veteran and i went to vietnam when i was 18. And i got home when i was 19. People yelling at us. They didnt want to talk to me when i got off the plane. Then here we are that was my First Experience of escaping a war zone and then this one escaping a war zone from israel and coming home and having people greeting us and the governor greeting us. We went inside people were cheering. Im saying holy cow like this is amazing. It was a wonderful feeling to be back home in america to be welcomed and not to be shunned as i was so many years ago. Amazing. Amazing. Steve it is amazing. I completely understand how you would have felt. I would have been kissing everybody. Thank you very much. For getting me home. Ainsley welcome home. Kiss the ground. Ainsley welcome home. Were so glad you are back. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. You know, when we left vietnam, we jumped up on the plane and screamed and yelled after we cleared airspace i wanted to do that on this. Steve i woulding be waiting for that drink cart and celebrate once you got out of air shays. The newmans ladies,. Thank you. Please help the rest of our people get home. Thank you. Steve thank you, guys. All right, thats great. Ainsley great interview. We need some hope right now. Steve that was a great story. Still ahead on this tuesday, Squad Members draw outrage with an israeli ceasefire resolution. We have a live report, coming up. upbeat music constant contacts advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. constant contact. Helping the small stand tall. Dramatic music [flight attendant alert] [baby crying] [snoring] [luggage rattling] [baby crying] dramatic music upbeat music begins for everyone whos endured the bad seat, finally, sweet, sweet redemption. The lexus tx. Threerow luxury that treats every seat like the best seat. Carley progressive democrats are sparking outrage in d. C. With new resolution that calls for a ceasefire between the israelis and hamas. Steve as Hundreds Of Protesters march in philadelphia to show support for israel. Brian Alexandria Hoff has the latest. Alexandria hamas is continuing to hold hostages, including american and it calls for United States to facilitate the end of the current violence and bring humanitarian assistance to the area. Every member of congress outside of the dozen who signed on to this and the squad, every member of Congress Support Israel and argument against a resolution calls only came after 13 or 1400 people were murdered by hama

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