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A new U.S. antidumping (“AD”) and countervailing (“CVD”) duty petition was filed on March 31 by the Organic Soybean Processors of America; American Natural Processors, LLC; Lester Feed & Grain Co.; Organic Production Services, LLC; Professional Proteins, Ltd.; Sheppard Grain Enterprises, LLC, Simmons Grain Company; Super Soy, LLC; and Tri-State Crush, LLC against imports of organic soybean meal (“OSBM”) from India.
OSBM mainly serves as an animal feed ingredient for organic poultry (approximately 75% of U.S. OSBM demand) and dairy (approximately 25% of U.S. OSBM demand) with a nominal amount used for other organic livestock (e.g., pork) farming operations. For a full description of the scope of the petition, please see the Scope section below.