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On March 31, 2021, the Organic Soybean Processors of America,
American Natural Processors, LLC, Lester Feed & Grain Co.,
Organic Production Services, LLC, Professional Proteins Ltd.,
Sheppard Grain Enterprises, LLC, Simmons Grain Co., Super Soy, LLC,
and Tri-State Crush ( Petitioners ), filed a petition for
the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on imports
of organic soybean meal from India.
The merchandise subject to the petition is certain certified
organic soybean meal. Certified organic soybean meal can consist of
ground soybean cake, ground soybean chips, and/or ground soybean
The Organic Soybean Processors of America has filed a petition with the US Department of Commerce (DOC) and the US International Trade Commission (ITC) alleging that organic soybean meal (OSM) from India is being sold in the US at less than fair value.
The Organic Soybean Processors of America are a US industry trade group comprised of American Natural Processors, LLC, Lester Feed & Grain Co., Organic Production Services, LLC, Professional Proteins, Ltd., Sheppard Grain Enterprises LLC, Simmons Grain Company, Super Soy, LLC and Tr-State Crush, LLC.
The US processors, in the
petition filed on March 31, also allege that the government of India is providing unfair subsidies to Indian producers and exporters of OSM to the US.
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A new U.S. antidumping (“AD”) and countervailing (“CVD”) duty petition was filed on March 31 by the Organic Soybean Processors of America; American Natural Processors, LLC; Lester Feed & Grain Co.; Organic Production Services, LLC; Professional Proteins, Ltd.; Sheppard Grain Enterprises, LLC, Simmons Grain Company; Super Soy, LLC; and Tri-State Crush, LLC against imports of organic soybean meal (“OSBM”) from India.
OSBM mainly serves as an animal feed ingredient for organic poultry (approximately 75% of U.S. OSBM demand) and dairy (approximately 25% of U.S. OSBM demand) with a nominal amount used for other organic livestock (e.g., pork) farming operations. For a full description of the scope of the petition, please see the Scope section below.