All High School Juniors and children in the gallery and state legislatures a. Some of those elements we think are not ones that the court should acknowledge is whether or not it advances religion. If you ask a chaplain for the state assembly i and sacrament f california who is going to the assembly are you going to advance your religion today . What this court said is the limit of the legislative prayer is a problem ties to example. We think with respect to the Second Circuit if got it just about right to the question is does it preach conversion or threaten and damnation to non believers or you use the word advanced and proselytized. Its not proselytized or advanced. That is the link which is the proselytized and whether or not it is in fact fair to ask the minister or the priest or the chaplain if he or she advances their religion. We dont whitmarsh says is advanced doesnt mean having a single chaplain of a denomination were looking at the content of the sectarian prayer in light of
Human rights at all and that is true but use that as a dodge and a way of precluding discussion on human rights. But should we have a one taiwan policy . And secondly, the taiwan act section two points out the enactment of this is necessary to maintain peace,s ability stability, and in their. What would happen if taiwan became under prc control and doing a will if a shift would have effects on Security Partners and allies in east asia, including japan and south asia . Thank you. I think i might have been in that meeting that you speak of. It was a few years ago. Thank you for your comments. To mostlike to point recently, you may have seen in the press that there has been more dialogue between two sides. The head of the Mainland Affairs councils from taiwan met with the head of their Taiwan Affairs office. We have gone on record as saying as we support that kind of warming of ties. One of the reasons why there has been such a discussion is because we have been so supportive of taiwan, g
Congressman, commissioner koskinen testified last week, if that happens to a taxpayer, the practice is for the irs to work with a taxpayer based on documents that are available. Ill take that so well be working with you and thats why i suggested that we issue subpoenas now because you have not supplied the information you have promised to this committee. Mr. Chairman, i dont have any confidence in this administration to conduct a fair and impartial investigation or to to supply the information this committee has requested for repeatedly and i believe a special prosecutor should be appointed to find the truth as to what actually happened there and for us to go forward as quickly as possible with regard to subpoenas. Now, to return to the matter at hand on fsoc and designations, the chairman asked you a very simple push with regard to consent. I think most people watching understand what consensus means that it means the people at the party fsb in the process said there was a consensus o
When navarrette wherever disasters occur. I will not see a few more words about a recommendation. Protection is focusing on safety, dignity and rights of people impacted by disaster. The october 2012 guidelines for proposals of the usaid requires that proposals must demonstrate protection mainstream in all sectors of the programs. Our potential partners must integrate throughout their funded programs regardless of sector. It is important for usaid to ensure these guidelines are followed for the start of the program to the end. Maximizing integration will maximize protection for specially vulnerable people. It will also minimize difficulties in costbenefit integration protection retroactively. Prior to engaging in collaborating with people impacted by the disaster should be identifying assistance and protection needs and ensuring they are not. Theyre mean for participation in all stages including assessments, design, implementation and monitoring is essential to the success of the progr
Meeting at the federal open Market Committee, Federal Reserve chairman ben bernanke talks to reporters about the fed decision to continue its Asset Purchase Program. Mr. Mackeys term as fed chairman ends in january andthis briefing is one hour. Good afternoon. The federal open Market Committee fomc concluded a twoday meeting earlier today. As you already know from our statement, the committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1 4 percent and to make no change in either its Asset Purchase Program or its Forward Guidance regarding the federal funds rate target. I will discuss the rationales for our decision in a moment. Economic growth has generally been proceeding at a moderate pace, with continuedalbeit somewhat unevenimprovement in labor Market Conditions. Of course, to say that the job market has improved does not imply that Current Conditions are satisfactory. Notably, at 7. 3 percent, the Unemployment Rate remains well above acceptable levels